Thursday, 26 September 2013

How to By-Pass Your Reptilian Brain and Restore Your Creative Power


Following my last article The Law of Attraction and The Power of Your Mind, the subsequent information intends to further expand into the application of the necessary skill of discernment in order to manifest your desired reality.
To recap: Your mind is a sophisticated broadcasting system. We emit and absorb frequencies according to the frequencies (thoughts and belief systems) that we hold in our mind. In order to reset our innate power of creation, we must get our mind right by consciously applying discernment to every frequency (thought or emotion) that we emit and absorb. In other words, choosing to accept or reject frequencies is the first step in re-setting your broadcast system (your mind). It is how we begin to attune ourselves to source energy, our higher self, our life’s purpose, happiness, love, our true potential, etc.
Since the average individual’s mind broadcasts in the ballpark of 70 000 thoughts per day, we would drive ourselves absolutely mad trying to discern (monitor) every one of those thoughts. Especially since the vast majority of those are ingrained in the sub-conscious through belief systems that have deeply conditioned our habitual neuron pathways. The good news is that there is a shortcut to monitoring your thoughts and re-attuning yourself to your true manifestation potential. That shortcut is your emotions: your innate guidance system. This is a basic process that is fundamental to manifestation. Focus on feeling good! When your emotions are signaling that something (a frenquency) doesn’t feel good, apply discernment and re-focus your vibration on anything that feels good (a higher frequency). Listen to the ‘whispers’ (aka frequencies) life is offering to you as Oprah would say….
Ok, now it’s time to elaborate on the implementation of discernment, here it is:
Detachment is the state of being OBJECTIVE. In order to discern (or filter if that makes more sense to you) a situation (frequency) that you have manifested into your current reality, you must be able to detach yourself from it before compulsively (reptilian brain response) reacting to it. Being ‘impulsive’ is to react without forethought.
This will be a great challenge at first, I’m not gonna sugar coat it, I’ve found that this can stir up all kinds of change in your life. Because until recently in our history, wech1brain01 had been conditioned to operate and function mainly out of the reptilian brain. We had been operating/ manifesting out of the ‘survival’ mode section of the brain. Once you can understand this concerted mental oppression, you can begin to re-train your mind (free yourself from constant reptilian brain generated reaction) and re-set your innate human gift of creative power.
This will be easier to apply if you can give yourself a minute to comprehend and really soak in the following aspects about the functioning of your brain:

Humans have 3 independent yet interconnected sections in our brain:
1)  The Reptilian section 2) The Limbic section  & 3) The Neo-cortex section.   Each section has it’s purpose.
The Reptilian section (1) is the instant (no discernment) ‘survival mode’ response section of the brain. It is the oldest in terms of our human evolution, ‘The Old Brain’, The Reptilian Brain.
The Limbic section (2) is the section of the brain that first emerged in Mammals. It generates our feelings and emotions in regard to our current reality.
The Neo-cortex section (3) is the Neo-Mammalian section of the brain, the evolved section of higher order thinking (side note…I wonder if  Keanu Reeve’s character’s name ‘Neo’ in The Matrix movie was derived from the understanding of the neo-cortex section of the human mind?…).  It has infinite abilities.  It is the evolved conscious section of our brain which is most in line with source, with our higher self, our true unlimited potential. It generates creation, manifestation, imagination, awareness, development, logical thinking, objectivity, empathy and most importantly: consciousness. ‘The New Brain’
Each section has its necessary purpose, for now anyway (I foresee the reptilian section going into stand-by mode once we attune ourselves to our manifestation power; The Neo-cortex section of our brain.  In my intuitive opinion, I think every human today has the potential to eventually evolve through conscious effort which will eventually become automatic into a higher functioning brain capacity based in infinite love and respect which will see the evolutionary decline of the reptilian section of the mind).
the-tree-brains1We must learn to by-pass the reptilian brain in order to THRIVE instead of SURVIVE.  The reptilian brain is based in survival mode which elicits impulsive programmed responses (constant reaction to present triggers). Characteristics of the Reptilian brain include dominance (dominate or be dominated), aggression, sex and seeking a mate, rigidity, obsessiveness, compulsiveness, worship, fear, submission and greed.  These are all constricting and limiting frequencies.

That means that you must develop the ability to by-pass your reptilian brain frequencies through conscious DETACHMENT from the reptilian brain, by first recognizing it for what it is!   It is simply a shift in perception that must occur within your consciousness.

By applying detachment to any situation through delayed reaction; aka objectivity (discernment filter), you can begin to re-create your reality because you YourPerceptionCreatesYourRealityDolallow yourself to properly use your mind to its full manifestation power. You make life happen for you according to your desires, instead of reacting to life happening to you.  You take your power back.
A few things to consider: the vast majority of advertising campaigns, media content and political propaganda these days are targeting the reptilian response section of the brain in the masses, hence creating a de-evolution of a collectively manifested reality. Those who acquiesce to reptilian brain targeted triggers, perpetuate ‘survival’ mode for themselves and lose the innate gift we all hold to create a life of unlimited abundance.
You may find yourself asking ‘why?’  Why is our current reality based in low vibrational reptilian brain frequencies if the knowledge about the amazing creative power of the Limbic and Neo-Cortex sections of the brain is already out there? Well, had you heard about it until now?  Were you taught this basic knowledge from Day 1 of your human experience here on Earth?  Was it part of the imposed curriculum when you were attending school? Do we openly discuss this with our friends and family? Do we talk about this basic concept in mainstream media? No. We’ve been collectively oppressed to operate within the reptilian section of the brain.
Ask yourself about religious stories that depicted the reptilian brain influence and the importance of over-coming it in order to achieve high vibration manifestation (love, abundance, etc.).  Ask yourself about the reptilian statues and symbolism that are ‘proudly’ displayed on our current government buildings. Ask yourself about military conflicts and the reptilian based authority that persuades masses into low frequency acquiescence and perpetuation of such low frequency manifestations. Consider which part of your brain is being triggered when you see an advertisement or a TV Show or a news program. Our current world is controlled by reptilian brain dominated authority. It’s in your face y’all!
Understand that as a human being, you are (well your brain is anyway) a hybrid of reptile, mammal and your true potential: creator. Upgrade your mind frequency and functioning through constant detachment and discernment and you will change your life.
It goes a little something like this.  (*Hypothetical situation*)  You are walking through the mall and a billboard with a sexually attractive model promoting whatever product ‘catches’ (*triggers*) your attention, and it’s on ‘sale!’ You instantly feel distracted, compelled to break stride, walk in and consider purchasing this product. That is how that scenario usually goes…
Now insert discernment into that scenario: You are walking through the mall with purpose, you are feeling good, and *oops* that advertisement catches your eye for a second.  The conscious  individual goes through a mind process something like this: “Ok.  Something within me attracted that low vibration manifestation, I understand that my reptilian brain is being targeted, no thank you, cancel that frequency, replace with high vibrational thought or good feeling emotion, done, continue moving forward.”  It’s a conscious process that will require constant effort at first, but it will become automatic over time once you persistently apply it to the point that you re-program your neuron pathways in a way that utilizes the full potential of your mind.
Understand the blessing of contrast that is provided with low vibrational manifestations (thoughts, emotions, circumstances). This contrast is not meant to drag you down into lower vibrational responses (although it will if you don’t understand how to get your mind right), it is meant to assist you through this observed duality you achieved through detachment/discernment, to tune into high vibrational frequencies that are in line with your life’s bliss, your life’s purpose, whatever it is that you are desiring to manifest into your life.  Contrast and duality are tools (red flags) that help keep you in alignment (if perceived properly) and increase the specificity of your emitted vibration, to bring in what you want as quickly as possible.
Your perception needs to be shifted into the (2) and (3) section of the brain.  Nothing is ‘bad’ unless you invite it to continue to be ‘bad’.  Anything that ‘pops’ up into your reality that makes you feel bad (remember your emotions are your compass), they are simply the smack across your face you need to snap back into alignment and emit the frequency of what you want which was provided to you through that experience that you attracted to begin with.
Albert Einstein said: “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it.  You must learn to see the world anew.”
- See more at:

Sunday, 15 September 2013

The Crop Circle Ea Enki, 2012, Nibiru and Marduk

Last updated on April 26, 2011 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

crop circle was encoded to reveal a message of Ea Enki, who is a God of Sumerian (Enki) and Babylonian (Ea) mythology.  A band of southern constellations refer to his name, the stars of Ea.  E-A, The Crop Circle Ea Enki, Nibiru and Mardukin Sumerian, means 'the house of water' which can also be inferred to as the 'House of Aquarius', the approaching age.
Enki is a god in Sumerian mythology, later known as Ea in Akkadian and Babylonian mythology. He was originally patron god of the city of Eridu, but later the influence of his cult spread throughout Mesopotamia and to the Canaanites, Hittites and Hurrians. He was the deity of crafts, mischief, water, seawater, lakewater, intelligence and creation.  He was associated with the southern band of constellations called stars of Ea, but also with the constellation AŠ-IKU, the Field.  The planet Mercury, associated with Babylonian Nabu (the son of Marduk) was in Sumerian times, identified with Enki.
The exact meaning of his name is uncertain: the common translation is "Lord of the Earth": the Sumerian en is translated as a title equivalent to "lord"; it was originally a title given to the High Priest; ki means "earth"; but there are theories that ki in this name has another origin, possibly kig of unknown meaning, or kur meaning "mound".
The name Ea is allegedly Hurrian in origin while others claim that it is possibly of Semitic origin and may be a derivation from the West-Semitic root *hyy meaning "life" in this case used for "spring", "running water." In Sumerian E-A means "the house of water", and it has been suggested that this was originally the name for the shrine to the God at Eridu.
The main temple to Enki is called E-abzu, meaning "abzu temple" (also E-en-gur-a, meaning "house of the subterranean waters""), a ziggurat temple surrounded by Euphratean marshlands near the ancient Persian Gulf coastline at Eridu. He was the keeper of the divine powers called Me, the gifts of civilization. His image is a double-helix snake, or the Caduceus, very similar to the Rod of Asclepius used to symbolize medicine. He is often shown with the horned crown of divinity dressed in the skin of a carp.
Considered the master shaper of the world, god of wisdom and of all magic, Enki was characterized as the lord of the Abzu, the freshwater sea or groundwater located within the earth. In the later Babylonian epic Enûma Eliš, Abzu, the "begetter of the gods", is inert and sleepy but finds his peace disturbed by the younger gods, so sets out to destroy them.
His grandson Enki, chosen to represent the younger gods, puts a spell on Abzu "casting him into a deep sleep", thereby confining him deep underground. Enki subsequently sets up his home "in the depths of the Abzu." Enki thus takes on all of the functions of the Abzu, including his fertilizing powers as lord of the waters and lord of semen
The Crop Circle Ea Enki, Nibiru and Marduk

In the above cylinder seal from 2340-2180 B.C., Sumerian god Enki is seated on his throne with two streams of water erupting from his shoulders. A captured ‘Zu-bird’ is led before him for an alleged judgment and execution of sentence. Notice the size of the seated Enki.
The following is an excerpt from Michael Tsarion's Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation

Enoch is Enki

Enoch is Enki"Enochian" magic is named after the Old Testament prophet, Enoch. But the name actually goes further back to the Sumerian Enki, one of the original Annunaki. It is more than significant that Dee chose this name for his divination.
Enoch was the son of Cain and Luluwa, daughter of Lilith. (see p. 132)


The great Babylonian god was the son of goddess Damkina, by way of the Sumerian Annunaki king, Enki. (See p. 63)

Enki and Enlil

Sumerian Annunaki, the sons of Anu, the supreme father, who was the son of Anshar and Kishar. They were the brother and sister of Mummu, who was the son of the primal pair Tiamat and Apsu. (See p. 62)

Enki and Nin-khursag (Wife and Half-Sister)

"... it is they who hold the key to the story of Adam - the original story that was adapted for the Genesis
account, (p. 63)

El (Title of Enlil)

The definition Eloh ("Lofty One") derived from the Akkadian term Ilu, which ...was another name for Anu's son Enlil. It was the long-standing Eloh tradition of Enlil the El Elyon that Abraham and some of mazda Another name for Enki and his linehis family's forbearers were transported into Canaan, having made their respective journeys from the cities of Mesopotamia, (p. 63)


Another name for Enki and his line.
"...historically, it was Enki (not Enlil) who had created Adam (Atabba) and Eve (Nin-khawa); it was Enki who had granted them the rights to Qabalistic wisdom, and it was Enki who had appointed Atabba to his priest-kingly station. These things were known in Mesopotamia and Canaan; they were written down and readily available in the temple libraries of Babylon, and so they could not be ignored — but they could be reinterpreted... Enki, the wise hero of Sumer, could be portrayed (in accordance with his emblem) as a troublesome serpent — an image which could incorporate Lilith too, for she held the matrilineal heritage of the kingdom: the Malkhut, the sovereignty of the Dragon.

Eve's Two Mates

Eve had two sons by different fathers, one was Homo sapiens, while the other was Annunaki:
Therefore, Cain (Qayin) was the one of the royal blood, which is why he was descried and denigrated in the Christian bible.

Eve's Third Son

This was Seth, and he was given priority over Cain by the Bible writers and compilers.

Cain 's Wife

Described as the daughter of Eve in some texts. But never named in the Bible. She was actually the daughter of Lilith (and Enki), the latter who was according to the Talmud, the consort of Adam even before Eve.


The granddaughter of Enlil, daughter of his son, Nergal of the Underworld. She was therefore of pure Annunaki stock, and refused therefore to be Adam's permanent mate. In fact, she was the consort of The descent of the Hopi from the Blue Star of a constellation called the Seven Sisters (Pleiades)Enki, Cain's father. Together they produced Cain's wife, Luluwa. (see p. 106).

The descent of the Hopi from the Blue Star of a constellation called the Seven Sisters (Pleiades)

One version tells of their travel to earth on the back of Enki, the eagle. Grandfather, the Great Spirit, allowed the first man to select his home from the many stars of the universe. Enki told first man of his home earth, and brought him to visit. First man's exploration of the earth convinced him that this was where he wanted his children to be born and to grow. First Man returned to the heavens to tell Grandfather of his decision. Grandfather was pleased and granted to first man the right to call earth his home. First man soon returned to the green place or Sakwap with his family shortly afterwards. (Many of the hero stories throughout time and through many different cultures refer to a valiant group of seven.)

Contrary to what Zecharia Sitchen asserts in his books, Marduk never died in Babylon.  Enki, Creator God of the Human race, is an Annunaki God, a Nordic whose name means, “the one who is from pure race” or “born in a pure place”.
Marduk Amon-Ra is immortal.
Marduk gave to mankind the Chinese medicine acupuncture, Tai Chi and the Old Bon among other things.  In fact, most of the healing techniques come from his teachings which nowadays have been twisted and distorted.  Teachings which were given to him by Enki, himself.
Babylon, his most beautiful creation, was vilified and slandered in the Bible, shameless plagiarism of the history of the Ancient Gods. 
Marduk built Babylon with his hands, with his beloved son Nabu, his legions and his faithful humans.  Ea-Enki, Marduk, Nabu and their legions are Builder Gods.
From their genius were built great civilizations such as Sumer, Egypt, Greece and Ancient India, mother source of all others.  The Gods, as well, founded the Celtic, German-Nordic and even the Meso-American cultures.
The Crop Circle Ea Enki, Nibiru and Marduk
Easter Island, Nazca and Atlantis are, again, from Enki, Enlil, Marduk or Thoth.  They always built splendor.  Our Builder Gods are mighty Creator Gods.
Marduk made Babylon, a high center of knowledge, a prosperous and welcoming city, famous in these old times for its beauty and magnificence.  Marduk lived there with his people.  In those times, the Gods walked among the men.
Always, Marduk had a profound affection for us humans.
He renounced his throne of Nibiru for the love of his beautiful Sarpanit, a human woman with whom he had a son, Nabu (Nebo), another benevolent God worshipped in Babylon.  But like his father, to have dared to pass on the knowledge to humankind, he was banished, cursed and exiled by the malevolent Gods, hostile to humankind.
He renounced his throne of Nibiru for the love of his beautiful Sarpanit, a human woman with whom he had a son, Nabu (Nebo)During the thousands of years, in spite of his sufferings and of his remoteness from Earth, Marduk always helped the humans.
The gods under Enki’s command are fighting to free mankind, blind of the enslavement in which she is subjugated.
The Aquarius Era announces the return of the TRUE GODS on Earth and2012 will be the beginning of the end of the multi-millennium lie.
Marduk, whose energy is powerfully positive and benevolent, is a great warrior.  From him, the liars and enslavers have copied to create the role of Michael, the Archangel.
Contrary to what is often said, Enki, Marduk or any of our other Creator Gods have never been reptilians.   THE ANNUNNAKI ARE NOT REPTILIANS!
The Crop Circle Ea Enki, Nibiru and MardukEnki endangered us by having intercourse with human women,   as did Marduk, Utu-Shamash, Enlil and many others!  So if Ea-Enki, the Egyptian God Ptah, had been a reptilian, then we should also be reptilian.  Just common sense!
Ea-Enki is our True creator God.  We are not descended from apes nor hypothetical lizards, but from a great primordial god. 
Humanity is divine.  The entire drama we are experiencing comes because of that.  Anu, Enki’s father, has sworn our destruction because we carry in ourselves the sacred gift of Ea Enki: his DNA.  In his eyes, Enki has committed the worst sin: to give us a soul and mighty spiritual powers through the awakening of kundalini.
Yes, Enki is the serpent IN us.  He is the energy of life.  He is KUNDALINI.  Here is his sacred inheritance: the awakening of our Godhood.  Hence, his legendary representation as a serpent, Kundalini energy rises along the spine in a shape of a raised snake.
Here is from where the story of the fallen angels, of the “demons” banished from “Eden”: from the anathema of a father (Anu) to his son, simply because he dared to love Humans, to teach them and to protect them.  Anu disowned Enki, cast him away from Nibiru and cursed him.  But many Gods, like Marduk, followed Enki, the bearer of light.
Adamantly opposed to our destruction, Enki went to war against Anu, the wicked.  He became the adversary of Anu and of the Nordic’s hostile conservatives to our survival.  Marduk is fighting along with Enki, proud commandant of the rebellious Celestial Legions. Amazingly handsome, Marduk also has a strong compassion and a legendary courage.
For the past 4,000 years, Enki and his troops are resisting and fighting for OUR freedom.  Apparently, Anu has underestimated the incredible fortitude of Enki, the doggedness that he would put to save our lives and to free the solar system from his madness.
Losing all dignity, Anu has allied himself to the worst breed of the cosmos, the REPTILIANS, who are wandering and cruel mercenaries, without heart and consciousness.  Their mission:  TO DESTROY US.  They invented the religions and their unnatural commandments, decreed the ban of fun, making us guilty for everything, including the right to follow one’s nature.
Worse they have transformed our Gods into demons, have distorted their history, have falsified the true meaning of the symbols and have lied about everything.  They have fomented the wars of religion, slaughtered millions of innocent people via the Inquisition and imposed totalitarian regimes such as communism under Stalin and Mao.
Anu to the ReptiliansToday, the completion phase of humanity is underway: epidemics, pollution, economic slavery, toxic foods, adulterated drugs, poverty, crime and terrorism – all of this follows an agenda.  Such is this desperate strategy of Anu and his reptilians: to give back a spoiled Earth and dying humans to Enki because they already know, thanks to Enki and his Daemons, that they will lose this war.
But what was the promise of Anu to the Reptilians in exchange for their services of dismay?  The Earth, its riches and the enslavement of the rest of the humans after the disaster.  The perverseness of the Reptilians is unthinkable for us humans who are gentile people, deserving of Enki, Benevolent Father and Creator God.  Their deceptive nature reveals itself to those who observe.
The Reptilians are among us, masked but active.  No science-fiction here.  No disease of conspiracy.  Look around you, the state of the planet speaks for itself!
Enki, Marduk, Nabu and their legions are restlessly combatting Anu and his clique of enslavers.  Let’s fight at our level by spreading the truth and by refusing any enslavement to any dictatorship, whatever!
Enki tried to help humanity survive from the “Great Flood” that occurred approximately 13,000 years ago.
In regard to the flood,  Nibiru and December 21 2012, Sitchen wrote: Nibiru, up to this point, had come nearest the Sun (perigee) every 3, 600 years or so until this Deluge--causing perigee, 10,900 B.C.E. .  This perigee, Miranda, a moon of Nibiru, hit Uranus and became a moon of Uranus.  The gravitational pull of Uranus on Nibiru sped Nibiru's orbit around the Sun to 3,450 Earth-years.  Nibiru's next perigee, when it's again closest to Earth, will be around 2900A.D., not 2012, as it would have been had it continued 3,600 year revolutions around Solaris. [Sitchin, Z., 2007, The End of Days, page 316].
Michael Tellinger went on to say: The Bible, written after the flood, to justify Enlil, hides that he failed to drown the slave race. "The Bible was Enlil's propaganda and indoctrination.  Enlil realized that the only way to control humanity was with absolute power, control and fear, strong-handed, dictatorial tactics.  Enlil would be their god, ruling them through intimidate, fear bloodthirsty violence.  But he rewarded them for loyalty and obedience for complying with his commands." [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, pages 230, 377]

Now we know the story of Ea Enki, but the question still remains: What is the message from this crop circle?

taken from :

Swami YogSri

When worries are there, faith is lacking; and when faith is flowing, worries find no room to even exist.

The moment you love yourself, your life gets turned in to a paradise. And you see a real beauty of you, in you. Each moment you love yourself more and more. Once you got the taste of loving yourself, the pain in the heart disappears. A new rhythm of unending joy, peace, sweetness, bliss will be there.

be aware of your ego and live with it  blissful

Elizabeth Peru

  • TO THE EXTROVERTS: Hello darling ones! Are you the initiator, the one who takes the leap, the first step and leads the way? Are you happy to be used as an example and revel in the feeling of fully expressing yourself via action and the body and it's senses? Perhaps you have always spoken up and have been ridiculed for doing so, but still push on?

    Do you stand out in the crowd? Do you like being yourself? Those who's lives are lived in the public arena are highly expressive in nature. You are the performers, the artists, the one's with great responsibility as you have access to great power to use WISELY in business and pleasure.

    Cherish your nature. We need the extroverts to allow the more contemplative ones to come into the fold, let off steam and express. Indeed we can swap roles with being out there and in here too. Those are the shape-shifters and I'll chat to you soon xxx Have a wonderful Friday 13th dear entertainers xxx

Advaita (Nonduality, Oneness, One Love)

Continue practicing until you see yourself in the cruelest person on Earth, in the child starving, in the political prisoner. Practice until you recognize yourself in everyone in the supermarket, on the street corner, in a concentration camp, on a leaf, in a dewdrop. Meditate until you see yourself in a speck of dust in a distant galaxy. See and listen with the whole of your being.

If you are fully present, the rain of Dharma will water the deepest seeds in your consciousness, and tomorrow, while you are washing the dishes or looking at the blue sky, that seed will spring forth, and love and understanding will appear as a beautiful flower.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh
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Friday, 13 September 2013


We are literally taking the Earth inside of ourselves at all times. Every day, every moment, we are taking the Earth's atmosphere inside of ourselves to sustain our lives. To stay alive, we must breathe in the Earth's atmosphere. We would not survive without this atmosphere to sustain us, without it, all that we know would end in minutes.

The Earth doesn't just make our lives possible through breath. We need this atmosphere to see, it makes vision possible for us. We cannot not see in space without creating an “Earth like” atmosphere to see out from. We cannot speak without this atmosphere. The atmosphere is what allows us to create vocal tones and the atmosphere is what physically carries the sound forth.

We are not just living upon this Earth, we are a part of this Earth. We are so deeply connected to the Earth in every way imaginable, it is such a complete part of who we are, and how our physical bodies work, that sometimes we cannot even see it. This connection to the Earth is so much of who we are at such a base level, that at times, we aren't even aware that it exists.

We need to be aware of what we are. We need to start learning how to embrace this connection to the Earth and hold our dear life giving planet in a much higher reverence. Take a deep breath. Feel that you are not just living on this your physical form, you are this planet. Our fates are wholly intertwined. Be the light.

Spirit Science

Friday, 19 July 2013

"Holotropic states of consciousness are characterised by a profound change in perception in some or all sensory areas usually associated with the intrusion of other dimensions. Typically the experience is very intense, even overwhelming and 'real' yet a person usually does not completely lose touch with everyday reality. A holotropic experience is often accompanied by extraordinary changes in day-to-day sensory perception with profound changes in colour, shapes, sounds, smells and tastes as well as profound perceptions that have no counterpart in this realm. With eyes closed a person is often flooded with visions drawn from personal history and the collective subconscious involving various aspects of the cosmos and mythological realms."

Grof, Stansilov

~ artwork by Somnio8 The art of Mark Lee

Cleansing Your Chakra's - How to Cleans Chakras

Several weeks ago we had a session on charka's, what they are and how they work, this session will be an extension of that circle and tonight we will cover cleansing the charka's.

When all the chakra's are whirling, lit up or open, bright and clean, then our chakra system is balanced. When a chakra becomes blocked, damaged, or muddied with residual energy, or plaque then our physical and emotional health can be affected. This can occur as the result of negative or incomplete belief systems. The effects of our habits, feelings, beliefs, thoughts, fears and desires can be found in our chakra. The way we eat and exercise how we deal with our emotions will be imprinted on our energy bodies.

Cleansing one’s charka's. therefore is very beneficial for body, mind, and spirit. It helps the aura’s energy to stay as pure as possible and can increase intuitive ability. I do this at least once a week to help raise my vibrations and eliminate any "plaque" that accumulates from negative thoughts and energies.

Here is a powerful meditation we can do right now for cleaning chakra's from Doreen Virtue’s "The Lightworker’s Way":

Take a deep breath through your nose and hold it for about four seconds, exhale slowly through your mouth, now do this again…..slowly
Completely relax….slowly .release all the tension in your body, see it flowing down through your feet into mother earth to be transformed……
Visualize or feel a round and transparent ball, coloured in a beautiful shade of ruby red, floating inside your body near the base of your spine. This is your "root chakra" the centre of your strength and individuality.
Mentally look at or sense the ball. Notice if it has any areas of darkness. These are energy imbalances, and you can immediately wash them away by simply intending the ball to be perfectly clean.
Hold the image of your beautifully transparent ruby red ball in your mind and see it illuminated from the inside with powerful, pure white light. This is the universal light of God, of all power, love and knowing.
Inhale deeply through your nose, and watch or feel how your breath increases the intensity of white light inside the red sphere.
Continue breathing in and out deeply to fan the intensity of the white light inside the red ball, until it is perfectly clean and transparent.
Next, move your attention upward about three inches until you see or feel a beautiful orange glass ball floating within you.
This is your "sacral chakra, " the regulator of your physical desires. Scan the ball for any areas of darkness. Breathe in deeply to fan the white light within the chakra’s core to wash away all darkness instantly until the ball is perfectly transparent, like orange glass.
Now, concentrate on the area immediately behind your navel. See or sense a beautiful clear yellow ball within you, shining like a little sun. This is your "solar plexus chakra," the area affected by your beliefs concerning power and control.
Check to see if there are any opaque or dark areas on your solar plexus. If there are, breathe in deeply until the chakra becomes a brilliant light yellow colour and is perfectly transparent, like a sparkling ball of yellow glass.
Then, move your attention to your heart region. Visualize or feel a gorgeous green glass ball in your chest. This is your "heart chakra," the centre of your loving energy.
Scan the heart chakra for any shades of darkness, and then deeply breathe them away with white light. Fully illuminate the heart chakra from within and feel it expand in your chest with warmth and good energy.
Keep breathing until the green ball is perfectly transparent and spotless.
Next, concentrate on your throat in the Adam’s apple area. See or feel a ball in a beautiful shade of light blue. This is your "throat chakra, " the centre regulating the clarity of all your communications.
Mentally scan the throat chakra, looking for or feeling for dark areas. Take a deep breath and watch it Illuminate the chakra from the inside, making the light grow brighter and brighter until it ignites into a white ball of light in the chakra’s centre The white rays completely cleanse the blue ball. See and feel the ball as perfectly transparent, with no spots or dark areas.
Then, move your attention to the area between your two eyes, without forcing yourself in any way, gently notice a round or oval ball between your two eyes.
This is your "third eye chakra." Allow the image of the chakra to become clearer and clearer. Notice its colouring as shades of dark blue mixed with some purple and white.
As the image becomes clearer, you may notice that you are looking at an eyelid. If you don’t see an oval or an eye-shaped object, then breathe deeply and keep cleaning the chakra with white light until the image becomes clear. Once you get a glimpse of the third eye, notice whether it is open or shut. If it is shut, ask it to open and make eye contact with you. Allow the third eye to communicate any loving messages it may have for you.
When you are ready, place your attention on the inside of the top of your head. This is your "crown chakra," the area that gives you access to universal wisdom. Feel or see this chakra as a deep violet or purple glass ball. Using your deepest breathing, clean the crown chakra with white light until it is pristine.
The goal is a strong, clear, balanced energy system. The more open, clear and balanced the chakra, the more energy can flow through your system. This energy is essential for vitality, health, and continued spiritual growth.
Once I began doing this regularly I soon learned that it makes a big difference to how I feel. You will notice that you will feel more relaxed, clearer of focus and alive.

A Brief Anatomy of Extra-Physical Bodies II

"The circulation of the Axitonal system has been purposely atrophied in humanity, in order to make us able to function within the constraints of duality on Planet Earth. It is an energetic system proper of the fifth dimension which connects the energy vortexes of the skin to the vortexes of each body cell. This construct facilitate the pulsation of energy just as the circulatory system of veins and arteries pulsate the blood through the body. This pulsation is somewhat of an electric nature and organizes itself much like our nervous system.

The Higher Self sends its high vibrational energies to the Axitonal lines, these tones are absorbed by the spherical vortexes located on the surface of the skin, journey through the regular meridians, until they reach the entire Axitonal system. Once received, the system will redistribute and recombine the sounds and frequencies of Light and color to recreate the same pattern of resonance through the circulatory, lymphatic, endocrine and nervous systems as once was determined to be the Adam Kadmon, the original Avatar Blueprint for Humanity.

The Different Dimensions of the Being
The same procedure also reaches down to the microscopic level of the body cells, with the frequencies successively refined to be absorbed by the infinitesimal portions of the cell molecules, through the same system of vortexes. On this plane, the vortexes create, also by resonance, small structures of Light that resemble webs of Light. This is the primeval force of existence that propels humanity to continue evolving and adapting.

The Sixth Dimension holds the patterns and molds of everything that has been created into formal matter, as well as in the bodies of Light. It is on this plane of existence that all the DNA codes are saved and guarded, to prevent distortions in the Divine plan of evolution.

Finally, the structures of the Seventh Dimension found in the Etheric Body are related to the ones that mediate the relationship between the Physical Body and the Astral Body of a species and its Divine essence. The Adam Kadmon is the Divine Blueprint from which every template of every sentient being is based. It can present itself in innumerable forms and houses vast and diverse levels of manifestation of consciousness.

These Seventh Dimensional structures are extremely flexible and can be unique for each individual, while having a natural barrier that defines the limitations for “corporification of the many species”, preserving a sense of uniqueness and consistency.

Before the activation of the Body of Light, many only perceived the fourth dimensional reality of our bodies and ignore the many dormant potentialities enclosed inside of the Etheric realm.

The other extra-physical body described in this model is the Emotional Body. The Emotional, Mental and the Spiritual bodies are formed in a similar fashion as double tetrahedrons, each individually rotating at specific rhythm and cadence, at different frequencies and vibratory patterns.

Inside of the Emotional Body, these tetrahedrons, which are just pure geometric patterns of formation, tend to vibrate in dissonance. This is because of the existence of the structures inside of the Etheric Body that function as points of imprisonment, the same points mentioned in the previous article, which often transform an individual into a hostage of their emotions.

The reason for this is that one of the challenges of being human is to learn how to detach ourselves from the game of emotions and to learn Karmic lessons. These attachment points are also presented in geometric pattern and they contain lessons or probationary experiences which can produce a sensation to be stuck in a situation for a period of time. The impression of being trapped causes sensations of limitation and ill will, and it will last for as long as it takes for these geometric patterns to express and develop themselves, and thus becoming liberated from the Emotional Body.

The Mental Body is also composed by geometrical patterns. The function of this body is to serve as a parameter of reality. Being one of the lower bodies, it was created to have the belief that it controls everything. It accepts as true that it creates and directs the events and circumstances of life, but this is not true. Its sole function is to maintain the limits of reality and to allow one to ground oneself enough to interact within the realms of duality and the game of light and shadows. It determines the way the universe is created inside of every life, giving the rational aspect to reality as we perceive it through the five senses. The Mental Body has its own constrains; it abhors changes, especially the ones that cannot be rationalized and absorbed intellectually. Its task is to guarantee the survival of the individual. It is incredible the amount of energy spent by the Mental Body to keep the structures of the manifested world stable and to constantly recreate the illusion of separation in our minds, grounding a multi-dimensional being into the lock of a human experience. To keep the strength of its constrains, the Mental Body induces the mind to label everything, to compartmentalize situations and events, and classify everything that cannot be explained, seen or experienced by the senses as unreal. For this task, it was created to naturally repulse any movement that comes from Spirit. This is the way the design previews the optimization of the Karmic games in each and every life.

The Spiritual Body, the next one of this model, is also formed by the same double tetrahedrons, but they do not contain the Karmic elements and residues we encounter as components of the other extra-physical bodies. Its main objective is to connect the Supreme Mind, the Absolute and Eternal Christic Soul, and the Presence I AM. Again this body is not a vehicle of Karma.

The Spiritual Body transmits impulses and information that comes from the realm of spirit, but mostly these impulses or insights encounter the blockages of the Mental Body. The Emotional Body, in its turn, is sometimes able to capture the movements and expressions of the Soul, but because it depends on the Mental Body to rationalize the experience in order to understand, it tends towards silence and to be acquiescent. Most modern spiritual crisis comes in a disguise of an emotional emergency.

If not properly understood and assimilated, the insights of the Soul fall into unconsciousness, and in consequence, the individual continues to rotate around the circle of limitation and illusory separation, perpetrating to the limits the polarity game."

Anahata Chakra (Heart)

The fourth chakra, the heart chakra,rests in the center of the chakra system, at the core of our spirit. Its physical location is the heart, upper chest, and upper back. The fourth is the balance point, integrating the world of matter (the lower three chakras) with the world of spirit (the upper three chakras). Through the heart chakra, we open to and connect with harmony and peace. The health of our heart center registers the quality and power of love in our life. In Sanskrit, the heart chakra is called Anahata, which means "unstruck" or "unhurt." Its name implies that deep beneath our personal stories of brokenness and the pain in our heart, wholeness, boundless love, and a wellspring of compassion reside.

This chakra's element is air. Air spreads and energizes. Like water, air assumes the shape of whatever it fills, yet it is less subject to gravity than water. When you feel swept up in love, you often need to replant your first chakra in order to stay grounded. Air permeates breath, so pranayama practice helps balance and tone this chakra. All forms of pPranayama can help you use more air, more prana, thereby increasing your vitality and enthusiasm for life.

If you notice that you are sitting with your head forward, shoulders rounded and your chest collapsed, it's a good time to start practicing fourth chakra poses to give your heart some breathing space. When we lead with our head and not with the heart, we may be overly focused on thought and tend to cut ourselves off from the emotions and the body. When the heart chakra is deficient, you may experience feelings of shyness and loneliness, an inability to forgive, or a lack of empathy. Physical symptoms can include shallow breathing, asthma, and other lung diseases.

Asanas that enliven the heart chakra include passive chest openers in which we arch gently over a blanket or bolster, shoulder stretches such as the arm positions of Gomukhasana and Garudasana (Eagle Pose), and backbends. Being an even-numbered, feminine chakra, the heart center naturally yearns to release and let go. Doing backbends develops the trust and surrender we need to open the heart fully. When we feel fearful, there is no room for love, and our bodies show contraction. When we choose love, the fear melts away, and our practice takes on a joyful quality. In many backbending poses, the heart is positioned higher than the head. It's wonderfully refreshing to let the mind drop away from the top position and instead lead with the heart.

Some signs that the heart chakra is overpowering your life can include co-dependency, possessiveness, jealousy, heart disease, and high blood pressure. For these symptoms, forward bends are the best antidote, because they are grounding and foster introspection. While people with deficient heart chakras need to open to receive love more fully, those with excessive heart chakras find healing by slowing down to discover inside themselves the nourishment they have been seeking from others.

The most powerful way to open, energize, and balance not just the heart chakra but all of our chakras is to love ourselves and others. Love is the greatest healer. In our hatha yoga practice, remembering what we love and appreciate as we practice fourth chakra asanas enhances the power of the poses and our general well-being.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

"All of this is so incredibly simple. We learnt that whatever happens in our mind somehow is blocking you from going somewhere. I am saying that Awareness, the goal of all enquiry, cannot be on the other side of working through any process, because Awareness is that within which even the attempt to work through to get to something arises and is perceived."

~ Mooji
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