Monday 27 May 2013

In sleep, nothing is there in you that sleeps. Your physical body and its parts are working as it is, yes in a more peaceful manner. Your second, the etheric one, is expanding; working on its expansion and repairing itself. Your third body, the emotional/astral one is gathering more energy for its flow; and sometimes enjoys travels. Your fourth body, mental/mind body, just closes window of its first room, the conscious one and allows subconscious and unconscious parts to act, to play. Your soul body, the fifth one, as per its nature brings bliss to your different bodies. Your sixth body, cosmic body, is already there, alive, very much lively and completely a witness. And your seventh body, the super cosmic/super universal/beyond universe/ no-body is just there and not there, equally.
In awaken state, you move around with you first, third and fourth bodies
In awakening you are your sixth body
And when you are there and exactly you are no more there, then you are seventh body, then you are no-body.
You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate. (John Lennon) 

Oh, don't take life so seriously!
Because seriousness is a great dis-ease,
and not only a disease but a suicide also.
Be playful -- totally
because that is the only way to be living.
Life is a play, a leela.

If you can act and live as if acting and living in a dream
and still be a witness to it
then you will be in the cosmic flow, the Tao.

And to be in the cosmic flow is to be free --
free from oneself, the Ego.
The Ego is the seriousness, the disease,
and the Tao, the egoless existence, is the bliss,
the ecstasy.

~ Osho

Friday 24 May 2013

If you desire the world,
You may try to renounce it
In order to escape sorrow.

Instead, renounce desire!
Then you will be free of sorrow,
And the world will not trouble you.

If you desire liberation,
But you still say "mine,"
If you feel you are the body,
You are not a wise man or seeker.

You are simply a man who suffers.

Let Hari teach you
Or Brahma, born of the lotus,
Or Shiva himself!

Unless you forget everything,
You will never live in your heart.

~ Ashtavakra Gita 16.9-11
If you desire the world,
You may try to renounce it
In order to escape sorrow.

Instead, renounce desire!
Then you will be free of sorrow,
And the world will not trouble you.

If you desire liberation,
But you still say "mine,"
If you feel you are the body,
You are not a wise man or seeker.

You are simply a man who suffers.

Let Hari teach you
Or Brahma, born of the lotus,
Or Shiva himself!

Unless you forget everything,
You will never live in your heart.

~ Ashtavakra Gita 16.9-11
"Duality is the real root of our suffering and of all our conflicts. All our concepts and beliefs, no matter how profound they may seem, are like nets which trap us in dualism. When we discover our limits we have to try to overcome them, untying ourselves from whatever type of religious, political, or social conviction may condition us. We have to abandon such concepts as “enlightenment,” “the nature of the mind,” and so on, until we no longer neglect to integrate our knowledge with our actual existence."

— Chogyal Namkai Norbu

~ artwork by Grebenru
In sleep, nothing is there in you that sleeps. Your physical body and its parts are working as it is, yes in a more peaceful manner. Your second, the etheric one, is expanding; working on its expansion and repairing itself. Your third body, the motional/astral one is gathering more energy for its flow; and sometimes enjoys travels. Your fourth body, mental/mind body, just closes window of its storey, the conscious one and allows subconscious and unconscious parts to act, to play. Your soul body, the fifth one, as per its nature brings bliss to your different bodies. Your sixth body, cosmic body, is already there, alive, very much lively and completely a witness. And your seventh body, the super cosmic/super universal/beyond universe/ no-body is just there and not there, equally.
In awaken state, you move around with you first, third and fourth bodies
In awakening you are your sixth body
And when you are there and exactly you are no more there, then you are seventh body, then you are no-body.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

In the movie "The Matrix" Morpheus (Mor "Free Us") is named after the god of dreams and sleep in Greek Mythology. He asked Neo to "Free" his mind and jump. After Morpheus made the jump, Neo attempted and fell. It wasn't because Neo didn't believe, it was his attachments to what he perceived as reality "bringing him down". Once he learned to "Free" his mind and drop his attachments, his capabilities became limitless. Of course this is metaphorical. However, when we learn to free our mind and not allow our attachments to bring us down, we will no longer be brought down by the rigors of life.

@[432632306793920:274:The Mind Unleashed]
In the movie "The Matrix" Morpheus (Mor "Free Us") is named after the god of dreams and sleep in Greek Mythology. He asked Neo to "Free" his mind and jump. After Morpheus made the jump, Neo attempted and fell. It wasn't because Neo didn't believe, it was his attachments to what he perceived as reality "bringing him down". Once he learned to "Free" his mind and drop his attachments, his capabilities became limitless. Of course this is metaphorical. However, when we learn to free our mind and not allow our attachments to bring us down, we will no longer be brought down by the rigors of life.

The Mind Unleashed

A real creation comes out of you if you love your life enough; a real love of you towards yourself. And it happens when you trust yourself, when you trust your life. Trust your inner voice and allow your life to lead you. Throw yourself in the arms of your life and just see the magic of life, and just see the miracle of surrender. And you come to know that your life is a gift, a real gift. Each moment of your life becomes precious. And a song of untouched joy comes out of you; and you immediately raise your hands in thankfulness. You feel grateful. And the more you are together with you; the more you love yourself; the more you deeper is your love, you become more alive, more living, more lively. And intensity of your love towards your life is going to decide what you are going to receive back from your life.
A real creation comes out of you if you love your life enough; a real love of you towards yourself. And it happens when you trust yourself, when you trust your life. Trust your inner voice and allow your life to lead you. Throw yourself in the arms of your life and just see the magic of life, and just see the miracle of surrender. And you come to know that your life is a gift, a real gift. Each moment of your life becomes precious. And a song of untouched joy comes out of you; and you immediately raise your hands in thankfulness. You feel grateful. And the more you are together with you; the more you love yourself; the more you deeper is your love, you become more alive, more living, more lively. And intensity of your love towards your life is going to decide what you are going to receive back from your life.

This body is not me.
I am not limited by this body.
I am life without boundaries.
I have never been born,
and I have never died.

Look at the ocean and the sky filled with stars,
manifestations from my wondrous true mind.

Since before time, I have been free.

Birth and death are only doors through which we pass,
sacred thresholds on our journey.
Birth and death are a game of hide and seek.
So laugh with me,
hold my hand,
let us say good-bye,
say good-bye, to meet again soon.

We meet today.
We will meet again tomorrow.
We will meet at the source every moment.
We meet each other in all forms of life.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh
This body is not me.
I am not limited by this body.
I am life without boundaries.
I have never been born,
and I have never died.

Look at the ocean and the sky filled with stars,
manifestations from my wondrous true mind.

Since before time, I have been free.

Birth and death are only doors through which we pass,
sacred thresholds on our journey.
Birth and death are a game of hide and seek.
So laugh with me,
hold my hand,
let us say good-bye,
say good-bye, to meet again soon.

We meet today.
We will meet again tomorrow.
We will meet at the source every moment.
We meet each other in all forms of life.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Saturday 11 May 2013

Atlantis Found: Giant Sphinxes, Pyramids In Bermuda Triangle ( This is a computer generated sonar image, not to be mistaken for an actual photo of the structure.

Atlantis Found: Giant Sphinxes, Pyramids In Bermuda Triangle ( This is a computer generated sonar image, not to be mistaken for an actual photo of the structure.)

Atlantis found in Bermuda Triangle

Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba and using a robot submersible, have confirmed that a gigantic city exists at the bottom of the ocean. The site of the ancient city — that includes several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids plus other structures — amazingly sits within the boundries of the fabled Bermuda Triangle.

According to a report by arclein of Terra Forming Terra, Cuban Subsea Pyramid Complex, the evidence points to the city being simultaneously inundated with rising waters and the land sinking into the sea. This correlates exactly with the Atlantis legend.

The disaster may have occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. As the Arctic icecap catastrophically melted it caused sea levels to rise quickly around the world, especially affecting the Northern Hemisphere. Coast lines changed; land was lost; islands (even island continents) disappeared.

Arclein observes: “At the time uplifted portions of the Mid Atlantic Ridge subsided also including Lyonese and the home islands and land mass around the Azores. Even if that had not happened, this subsidence was amply large enough

This would have produced an orthogonal pressure forcing subsidence to either East or West. Since the ridge between Cuba and Yucatan is the natural point of weakness between the Gulf subsidence basin and the Caribbean subsidence basin, it naturally subsided deeply. The driver for all this was the hydrostatic changes brought about by both the original crustal shift of 12,900 years ago that I have called the Pleistocene Nonconformity and the slow uplift of the Hudson Bay Basin brought about by the ending of the Ice Age.”

Cuban missile crisis stops research

According to journalist Luis Mariano Fernandez the city was first discovered decades ago, but all access to it was stopped during and after the Cuban Missile Crisis. ( To view in other languages, use the google translate tool bar.

The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately shut down the site and took control of him and the objects, in order that it will not come to Russians hands.”

The science team of deep ocean experts, archaeologists and oceanographers found ruins of ancient buildings 600 feet below the ocean. They say the city is Atlantis.

Look carefully, in the muky water a giant pyramid is visible( )

Pyramids and sphinxes bigger than Egypt’s

Evidence that the island of Cuba is the vestige of a once mighty culture is supported by Zalitzki’s discovery on the island of extremely ancient symbols and pictograms identical to those seen on the underwater structures.

A second giant pyramid photographed by the ROV ( )

Using exploration submersibles, they discovered amazingly huge pyramid structures similar to (but larger than) the pyramids in Giza, Egypt. They estimate the Atlantis pyramids are constructed with stones weighing many hundreds of tons.

Speaking with a scientist about the possibility that the ruins are indeed Atlantis, Fernandez reports the expert replied: “…in the Yucatan cultures today is possible that what still remains of the aborigines of those places perhaps the Olmecs or some very primitive civilization of Yucatan, the northern part of Central America—originated according to them on an island that sank by a cataclysm. This island is called Atlanticú.”That too fits the stories about the sudden demise of the wondrous Atlantis.

Atlanticú. Atlantis. The aboriginal natives still call it that in their history.

During an interview about the exploration of the mega-city, Fernandez asked lead scientist Pauline Zalitzki about the civilaztion that built it.

“When we published the first news of this finding,” she said, “the University of Veracruz was interested in our work and we had recorded images of these structures on the seabed. Specifically, the Institute of Anthropology of the University excavations invited me. They were doing [studies] on parts and ruins of the Olmec civilization.

The Olmecs and other native peoples all have primary morphology marking the arrival of this continent. This mean coming from the direction of Cuba, and had to occur in a very large earthquake where their land sank. Morphologies indicate that they belong to three families who were saved. One of these families came to the coast of Veracruz, which are supposedly the Olmec. Others came to Central America and traveled to the Pacific coast, and these families created the civilization of the Americas as we know it today, because they distributed all their knowledge.

When these anthropologists saw underwater images of this city, and saw some stone monoliths, some symbol, and inscriptions, they identified with Olmec motifs. They were very surprised.” ( )

The Olmecs devolved from the survivors of Atlantis, a much superior culture destroyed aft the end of the Ice Age flooding. The world was reshaped and a super-civilization destroyed, remembered for millennia only in legend and a passing refernce by the philosopher Plato.

But Atlantis was real, is real: scientists Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki have found it.

Sonar images of mega-structures on the seabed ( )

Another image of an Atlantean mega-structure ( )

Crystal Pyramid Discovered In Bermuda Triangle 2012 HD:



Before Google erased Atlantis from Google Earth:

Google erased Atlantis from Google Earth:

Why the cover up?Try it out yourself and see.

Read More:

Dailymail, Britain's Atlantis Found:

Friday 10 May 2013

Take some down-time. Ground yourself. When you stop pushing things or forcing them to happen your energy has the opportunity to recharge. Sometimes, this is VERY needed. Allow yourself a period of rest. Try not to panic. Energy can be wasted. Life goes on the same.

Thursday 9 May 2013

  • “I get frustrated with people who say that a drug experience can have no spiritual validity. I’m here to tell you that all experience is a drug experience. We’re all on drugs all the time, largely because we are MADE of drugs.”

- Dennis McKenna -

art by @[28665757125:274:Alex Grey]
    “I get frustrated with people who say that a drug experience can have no spiritual validity. I’m here to tell you that all experience is a drug experience. We’re all on drugs all the time, largely because we are MADE of drugs.”

    - Dennis McKenna -

Wednesday 8 May 2013

"The world which we perceive is a tiny fraction of the world which we can perceive, which is a tiny fraction of the perceivable world."

- Terence McKenna -

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Overcome your uncertainties and free yourself from dwelling on sorrow. When you delight in existence, you will become a guide to those in need, revealing the path to many.
Overcome your uncertainties and free yourself from dwelling on sorrow. When you delight in existence, you will become a guide to those in need, revealing the path to many.

Ida and pingla meet at six places in spinal region and those points where the nadis meet, there exist the major chakras– muladhara, swadishthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi and ajna. These chakras are the store house of unbelievable energy. Each chakra is associated with number of creativities and visionary powers. These chakras are located in the energy body.

Sunday 5 May 2013

"I have discovered,
just as my teachers always told me,
that we already have what we need.

The wisdom, the strength,
the confidence, the awakened heart
and mind are always accessible, here, now, always.

We are just uncovering them.
We are rediscovering them.
We’re not inventing them or importing them from somewhere else.

They’re here.

That’s why when we feel caught in darkness,
suddenly the clouds can part.

Out of nowhere we cheer up
or relax or experience the vastness of our minds.
No one else gives this to you.

This is a work in progress,
a process of uncovering our natural openness,
uncovering our natural intelligence and warmth."

~ Pema Chödron

- art by J W Kelly

“Within the deepest, darkest wells of your heart-your very soul-you will find all that is true within. You will find your greatest love, compassion, empathy-You will find the pain of your agony, cruelty, prejudice, sanity, insanity-You will find the empty and the void, the missing pieces of your being." - Amber Marie Pettit

Art by Alexander Groseth - Connected by the heart

The Mind Unleashed
“Within the deepest, darkest wells of your heart-your very soul-you will find all that is true within. You will find your greatest love, compassion, empathy-You will find the pain of your agony, cruelty, prejudice, sanity, insanity-You will find the empty and the void, the missing pieces of your being." - Amber Marie Pettit

Art by Alexander Groseth - Connected by the heart

@[432632306793920:274:The Mind Unleashed]

“Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.”
-Marianne Williamson
artist unknown

There is only one religion,
the religion of Love;

There is only one language,
the language of the Heart;

There is only one caste,
the caste of Humanity;

There is only one law,
the law of Karma;

There is only one God,
He is Omnipresent.

~ Sai Baba of Shirdi
There is only one religion, 
the religion of Love; 

There is only one language, 
the language of the Heart; 

There is only one caste, 
the caste of Humanity; 

There is only one law, 
the law of Karma; 

There is only one God, 
He is Omnipresent. 

~ Sai Baba of Shirdi

Friday 3 May 2013

In explaining what is Knowledge of Self I ought to begin, it seems most natural, at the beginning. But that would take us into such an abstruse discussion that it makes better sense to start, instead, at a very familiar midpoint. Let's start with what you are doing this very moment. As your eyes race across these lines I want you to make the effort of becoming aware of the fact that you are involved in two sets of functions. On one hand, you are making the effort to keep your attention on the sequence of words as you read on. On the other hand, without your conscious effort and awareness, the meaning of what you are reading is taking shape. These two sets of functions are more apparent in more complex activities. While you need to think of getting up and going somewhere you need not think of the details of the muscular activities involved in getting up itself. They are taken care of for you. When you type, dance, play an instrument, perform in a sport, drive, write, etc. you can become aware of the fact that some part of your activities is performed without conscious effort. Now, this dualization of your being into two fundamental sets of functions is the central theme of Self Knowledge. One part of your being is concerned with activities that you have to direct while the other deals with activities that occur without your attention to them. You may have noticed that I have gone to a little trouble to avoid the popular designations "voluntary vs. involuntary" or "conscious vs. subconscious" behavior and we will later see why. Let us for now label them "willed" and "automatic" respectively.

It might not surprise you, because you already know, that great performers make poor teachers. Yet, you might be surprised to know that you could not give an accurate description of how you walk, or articulate the words that you speak, etc. You fail for the same reasons that most great performers do as teachers. The performance of the tasks in question is carried out without your attention and awareness of the intricate details involved. You direct your attention to the desired result and the other part of your being unattended takes care of the execution. In fact as you sit here this other part is, without your attention or consent, determining what understanding you are extracting from what you are reading and at the same time it is taking care of your breathing, exchanging oxygen for carbon dioxide in your blood, circulating the latter through every cell in your body, probably digesting some food, and getting ready to shut down the part of you that directs activities that it (the automatic part of being) may have more freedom and energy to do some major repairs on your vehicle while you sleep, among many, many other, very complicated things. It should be obvious by now that there exists a vast difference in the knowledge and capabilities between the two parts of our being. While the willed part of our being has to be instructed and is no better in it's performance than the quality of the material taught to it the automatic part of being is directed by an omniscient factor. Let's realize that it directed the formation of the physical part of our being the very moment that our progenitor sperm and egg came together. What if the willed part of our being, instead of learning from the nescient will of others, learned from the omniscient being that directs the automaton within us? I.e., instead of the "limited in knowledge" learning from the "limited in knowledge" it learned from the omniscient? The answers to these questions will provide full insight into the nature of our being, the cultures we have produced, the shaping forces of our history, and explain the causes of the problems besetting mankind, and will also show, definitively, the way to their solutions.

It is sufficient to say for now that according to the African spiritual tradition the automaton within us is in touch with all functions in the world and is capable of manipulating them. With the proper directions we will come to see that there are three kinds of people in the world. One type inclines toward relying on the willed part of being for survival and flourishment, the second on the omniscient intelligence and the automaton, and the third on an equilibrium of both parts of being. In fact, all cultures fall into one of these categories. These three categories do not represent distinct types but stages in the spiritual development of individuals and nations. The first stage corresponds to the polarization in the willed (outer) part of being, the second to the polarization in the inner, and the third to their equilibration. We can better comprehend this if we paraphrase it as the stages of 1) reliance on the part of being with limited knowledge and capability, 2) reliance on the part of being with infinite knowledge and capability, and 3) the equilibrium between the two. Another paraphrase will explain further, 1) polarization in learning from outside of ourselves (from someone else), 2) in learning from within ourselves, and 3) an equilibrium of both approaches. Further still, 1) polarization in reliance on externals (tools, machinery, medicines, etc.), 2) polarization in reliance on internals (the power of the spirit) and 3) an equilibrium of both methods. We can begin to see which cultures shape up to which categories. The 1st type, polarized in the cultivation of the external part of being corresponds fundamentally to Western Man and some Orientals while the opposite, polarized in the cultivation of the internal, corresponds to the Black race and some Orientals. Success in the cultivation of both parts has only been truly achieved by the Kamau (Ancient Egyptians) who, for the record, belong to the Black race. Now we can understand why, for example, all the fundamental skills and institutions of civilization began with Black nations: Kamit [Ancient Egypt], Sumer, Babylon, Elam, the Harappa Valley civilization, Kush [Ethiopia], Indus Kush [Black India], and Canaan. Because of their people's ability to learn from the internal part of being, with it's storehouse of knowledge concerning every secret of the world, they were able to intuit, 6000 + years ago, the knowledge that forms the basis of our civilization (religion, mathematics, geometry, medicine, astronomy, writing, literature, agriculture, metallurgy, government, architecture, painting, sculpturing, algebra, science, etc.). Because Western man is polarized in the cultivation of the external part of his being he had to learn these skills from others (Blacks and Orientals) who were able to learn these things intuitively.

This brings us to the critical part of our introductory discourse. Underlying all the functions of the automaton within us is a program of order. The maintenance of our bodily processes in a state of order according to this program is what we call health. We will come to see that this very same program of order is in charge of regulating the social behavior of people. Where it finds full expression in the social arena there is morality, wealth, spirituality, and prosperity. True religion, we will come to see, deals with the techniques of communicating with the director of the automaton within us in order to gain access to the power, storehouse of information, and the host of shaping factors of our lives. The world is in the sorry mess that it now finds itself in because the dominant culture in the world is that of the external part of being. It is not enough to say that the external part of our being does not know much about creating and maintaining order, for even if it did, it lacks the ability to generate order in the life of people. Hearing sermons and reading books (external means) on moral behavior will make you as moral as reading books on healing will heal our illnesses. The most that a book on health, for example, can do is to direct you to some means of directly influencing the automaton yet such information must have originated from some person's intuition. The same holds true for religious, moral, and spiritual behavior. All teachings on the subjects originated from the inner part of people's being. If you observe very carefully you will see that in the religions of the dominant cultures today people are directed outside themselves (to scriptures, sermons from priests, etc.) for moral and spiritual guidance. In contrast, African and some oriental cultures direct their members within themselves (trance) for intuitive guidance for the same ends. The differences are vast. We must recall the fact that the external part of being, however lucid on a subject, lacks the power to direct the processes that shape our behavior and bodily functions. Now we can fully understand the lack of wisdom in denouncing Westerners as hypocrites for preaching doctrines of such high moral values while their destructive acts in the world are unparalleled. The inner culture for accessing the program of order that is the shaping force of a harmonious social life, an essential prerequisite for man's spiritual growth, and the flourishing of all social institutions has been displaced by the outer culture which is far from equal to the task although it is long on words on the subject of spirituality.

Tune in to your unconscious feelings by connecting your feelings with your thoughts. And then you find a good balance of expressions, genuinely fearless.

The mind wants to choose one or the other, but Life is always both. Always. The mind can't comprehend this Oneness. As long as we are only mind-identified, we will stay stuck in a dualistic reality. Find the place inside that has no voice but instead simply knows. This knowingness is the wisdom of One.


When you were an infant, you were born with a third eye fully open to witness the power and glory of the universe. From a subatomic perspective to the infinity of the galaxies, you were able to see life fully and appreciate its wisdom and bounty. But as you grew older, you were conditioned by parents, teachers, managers, peers, and everyone else around you to cover your third eye with layer upon layer of illusion and confusion, until your third eye was closed and your inner witness was in the dark, leaving you empty to the world’s wonders and the wisdom that your mystic sight could have delivered.

As an example of how conditioning can close the third eye and forever affect life and the perception of the world, imagine a mother holding a stuffed teddy bear out to a child and saying, "Look at the little bear, how cute and soft he is!" The child begins to recognize that shape and associate it with the name "teddy bear," and he is introduced to other concepts such as color, size, texture, etc. Thus, begins the child’s habit of replacing his own perceptions of the world with a process of labeling, reacting emotionally and physically to external suggestions, and mentally processing reactions and experiences according to how others perceive things. As he grows, the child gets farther and farther away from living life as it happens in the moment - the pure, unfiltered experience with which he was born. And upon reaching adulthood and beyond, the process of analyzing, comparing, judging, and discussing things with others results in being even less connected to the Now.

When you put shutters on a window, very little light comes through and the people inside the shuttered room can only imagine what might be outside, on the other side of the shuttered window. So they are in the dark about what life is really about outside the shutters. In the same way that it is impossible to describe an orange adequately to someone who has not ever seen the color orange and has never tasted citrus, a person cannot fully understand seeing with the third eye from simply reading about it or hearing someone else describe it. You must experience it yourself in order to realize the power of perception, awareness, and vision that can enhance and enrich your life if your third eye is open to the glories of the natural universe that were open to you as a child. But now, as an adult, you have the maturity to appreciate those wonders and understand them.
Your new reality is already underway. When you feel a bit out of sorts, a bit disconnected, perhaps doubting the entire construct of ascension, just breathe it out. Let doubt blow through you like you’re a chain link fence. Soon you’ll all be used to the new world. The bumps and bruises of birthing this new reality will be like a child who falls and scrapes a knee – nothing to get excited about, no big reason for concern, and certainly no need for drama. Just live each day with gratitude and love. A year from now, you’ll look back and see how far humanity has come. We are so full of . . . we don’t even have a word for how we feel. We’re just so FULL! With Love and Light to you. Stay strong and carry on!!!
"The only sin is self-hatred.
It is the act of negation
It is the opposite of faith
There is no such thing as evil
The concept is a crutch.
We will not heal until we throw away the crutch
To heal is to become healthier.
To become healthier is to enjoy a freer flow of energy.
It is the flow that gets us high.
To perceive something as "evil" is to imagine that
That object, that person, is not a part of me.
he is something else.
To perceive "evil" is to attempt to deny
that we are all one
We have a myth that relates to this.
The myth is God and Satan.
The fallen angel, Lucifer --
Cast out of heaven for disobeying God
God who is good. Lucifer who is not-good.
Not-God. Evil.
But who is God trying to kid?
God is All. There is nothing that is not God.
Lucifer is God. There is no distance
One can not fall from grace.
One can pretend, perhaps, that that brother over yonder
is not me, he is something else, he is everything
that I cast out of myself - one can pretend
but not for long.
There is no way to cast out any part of one's self
Systems of energy contain no garbage. There is
no such thing as garbage
Dear God, the jig is up.
stop chasing your tail. Embrace your self.
Lucifer returns to Heaven!
Let there be dancing in the streets.

The only sin is self-hatred
We call it sin but it's true name is delusion
We have got to get ourselves back to the Garden
Easily done.
We are in the Garden.
Let us open our eyes."

- from Das Energi by Paul Williams