Friday, 19 July 2013
Cleansing Your Chakra's - How to Cleans Chakras
Several weeks ago we had a session on charka's, what they are and how they work, this session will be an extension of that circle and tonight we will cover cleansing the charka's.
When all the chakra's are whirling, lit up or open, bright and clean, then our chakra system is balanced. When a chakra becomes blocked, damaged, or muddied with residual energy, or plaque then our physical and emotional health can be affected. This can occur as the result of negative or incomplete belief systems. The effects of our habits, feelings, beliefs, thoughts, fears and desires can be found in our chakra. The way we eat and exercise how we deal with our emotions will be imprinted on our energy bodies.
Cleansing one’s charka's. therefore is very beneficial for body, mind, and spirit. It helps the aura’s energy to stay as pure as possible and can increase intuitive ability. I do this at least once a week to help raise my vibrations and eliminate any "plaque" that accumulates from negative thoughts and energies.
Here is a powerful meditation we can do right now for cleaning chakra's from Doreen Virtue’s "The Lightworker’s Way":
Take a deep breath through your nose and hold it for about four seconds, exhale slowly through your mouth, now do this again…..slowly
Completely relax….slowly .release all the tension in your body, see it flowing down through your feet into mother earth to be transformed……
Visualize or feel a round and transparent ball, coloured in a beautiful shade of ruby red, floating inside your body near the base of your spine. This is your "root chakra" the centre of your strength and individuality.
Mentally look at or sense the ball. Notice if it has any areas of darkness. These are energy imbalances, and you can immediately wash them away by simply intending the ball to be perfectly clean.
Hold the image of your beautifully transparent ruby red ball in your mind and see it illuminated from the inside with powerful, pure white light. This is the universal light of God, of all power, love and knowing.
Inhale deeply through your nose, and watch or feel how your breath increases the intensity of white light inside the red sphere.
Continue breathing in and out deeply to fan the intensity of the white light inside the red ball, until it is perfectly clean and transparent.
Next, move your attention upward about three inches until you see or feel a beautiful orange glass ball floating within you.
This is your "sacral chakra, " the regulator of your physical desires. Scan the ball for any areas of darkness. Breathe in deeply to fan the white light within the chakra’s core to wash away all darkness instantly until the ball is perfectly transparent, like orange glass.
Now, concentrate on the area immediately behind your navel. See or sense a beautiful clear yellow ball within you, shining like a little sun. This is your "solar plexus chakra," the area affected by your beliefs concerning power and control.
Check to see if there are any opaque or dark areas on your solar plexus. If there are, breathe in deeply until the chakra becomes a brilliant light yellow colour and is perfectly transparent, like a sparkling ball of yellow glass.
Then, move your attention to your heart region. Visualize or feel a gorgeous green glass ball in your chest. This is your "heart chakra," the centre of your loving energy.
Scan the heart chakra for any shades of darkness, and then deeply breathe them away with white light. Fully illuminate the heart chakra from within and feel it expand in your chest with warmth and good energy.
Keep breathing until the green ball is perfectly transparent and spotless.
Next, concentrate on your throat in the Adam’s apple area. See or feel a ball in a beautiful shade of light blue. This is your "throat chakra, " the centre regulating the clarity of all your communications.
Mentally scan the throat chakra, looking for or feeling for dark areas. Take a deep breath and watch it Illuminate the chakra from the inside, making the light grow brighter and brighter until it ignites into a white ball of light in the chakra’s centre The white rays completely cleanse the blue ball. See and feel the ball as perfectly transparent, with no spots or dark areas.
Then, move your attention to the area between your two eyes, without forcing yourself in any way, gently notice a round or oval ball between your two eyes.
This is your "third eye chakra." Allow the image of the chakra to become clearer and clearer. Notice its colouring as shades of dark blue mixed with some purple and white.
As the image becomes clearer, you may notice that you are looking at an eyelid. If you don’t see an oval or an eye-shaped object, then breathe deeply and keep cleaning the chakra with white light until the image becomes clear. Once you get a glimpse of the third eye, notice whether it is open or shut. If it is shut, ask it to open and make eye contact with you. Allow the third eye to communicate any loving messages it may have for you.
When you are ready, place your attention on the inside of the top of your head. This is your "crown chakra," the area that gives you access to universal wisdom. Feel or see this chakra as a deep violet or purple glass ball. Using your deepest breathing, clean the crown chakra with white light until it is pristine.
The goal is a strong, clear, balanced energy system. The more open, clear and balanced the chakra, the more energy can flow through your system. This energy is essential for vitality, health, and continued spiritual growth.
Once I began doing this regularly I soon learned that it makes a big difference to how I feel. You will notice that you will feel more relaxed, clearer of focus and alive.
A Brief Anatomy of Extra-Physical Bodies II
"The circulation of the Axitonal system has been purposely atrophied in humanity, in order to make us able to function within the constraints of duality on Planet Earth. It is an energetic system proper of the fifth dimension which connects the energy vortexes of the skin to the vortexes of each body cell. This construct facilitate the pulsation of energy just as the circulatory system of veins and arteries pulsate the blood through the body. This pulsation is somewhat of an electric nature and organizes itself much like our nervous system.
The Higher Self sends its high vibrational energies to the Axitonal lines, these tones are absorbed by the spherical vortexes located on the surface of the skin, journey through the regular meridians, until they reach the entire Axitonal system. Once received, the system will redistribute and recombine the sounds and frequencies of Light and color to recreate the same pattern of resonance through the circulatory, lymphatic, endocrine and nervous systems as once was determined to be the Adam Kadmon, the original Avatar Blueprint for Humanity.
The Different Dimensions of the Being
The same procedure also reaches down to the microscopic level of the body cells, with the frequencies successively refined to be absorbed by the infinitesimal portions of the cell molecules, through the same system of vortexes. On this plane, the vortexes create, also by resonance, small structures of Light that resemble webs of Light. This is the primeval force of existence that propels humanity to continue evolving and adapting.
The Sixth Dimension holds the patterns and molds of everything that has been created into formal matter, as well as in the bodies of Light. It is on this plane of existence that all the DNA codes are saved and guarded, to prevent distortions in the Divine plan of evolution.
Finally, the structures of the Seventh Dimension found in the Etheric Body are related to the ones that mediate the relationship between the Physical Body and the Astral Body of a species and its Divine essence. The Adam Kadmon is the Divine Blueprint from which every template of every sentient being is based. It can present itself in innumerable forms and houses vast and diverse levels of manifestation of consciousness.
These Seventh Dimensional structures are extremely flexible and can be unique for each individual, while having a natural barrier that defines the limitations for “corporification of the many species”, preserving a sense of uniqueness and consistency.
Before the activation of the Body of Light, many only perceived the fourth dimensional reality of our bodies and ignore the many dormant potentialities enclosed inside of the Etheric realm.
The other extra-physical body described in this model is the Emotional Body. The Emotional, Mental and the Spiritual bodies are formed in a similar fashion as double tetrahedrons, each individually rotating at specific rhythm and cadence, at different frequencies and vibratory patterns.
Inside of the Emotional Body, these tetrahedrons, which are just pure geometric patterns of formation, tend to vibrate in dissonance. This is because of the existence of the structures inside of the Etheric Body that function as points of imprisonment, the same points mentioned in the previous article, which often transform an individual into a hostage of their emotions.
The reason for this is that one of the challenges of being human is to learn how to detach ourselves from the game of emotions and to learn Karmic lessons. These attachment points are also presented in geometric pattern and they contain lessons or probationary experiences which can produce a sensation to be stuck in a situation for a period of time. The impression of being trapped causes sensations of limitation and ill will, and it will last for as long as it takes for these geometric patterns to express and develop themselves, and thus becoming liberated from the Emotional Body.
The Mental Body is also composed by geometrical patterns. The function of this body is to serve as a parameter of reality. Being one of the lower bodies, it was created to have the belief that it controls everything. It accepts as true that it creates and directs the events and circumstances of life, but this is not true. Its sole function is to maintain the limits of reality and to allow one to ground oneself enough to interact within the realms of duality and the game of light and shadows. It determines the way the universe is created inside of every life, giving the rational aspect to reality as we perceive it through the five senses. The Mental Body has its own constrains; it abhors changes, especially the ones that cannot be rationalized and absorbed intellectually. Its task is to guarantee the survival of the individual. It is incredible the amount of energy spent by the Mental Body to keep the structures of the manifested world stable and to constantly recreate the illusion of separation in our minds, grounding a multi-dimensional being into the lock of a human experience. To keep the strength of its constrains, the Mental Body induces the mind to label everything, to compartmentalize situations and events, and classify everything that cannot be explained, seen or experienced by the senses as unreal. For this task, it was created to naturally repulse any movement that comes from Spirit. This is the way the design previews the optimization of the Karmic games in each and every life.
The Spiritual Body, the next one of this model, is also formed by the same double tetrahedrons, but they do not contain the Karmic elements and residues we encounter as components of the other extra-physical bodies. Its main objective is to connect the Supreme Mind, the Absolute and Eternal Christic Soul, and the Presence I AM. Again this body is not a vehicle of Karma.
The Spiritual Body transmits impulses and information that comes from the realm of spirit, but mostly these impulses or insights encounter the blockages of the Mental Body. The Emotional Body, in its turn, is sometimes able to capture the movements and expressions of the Soul, but because it depends on the Mental Body to rationalize the experience in order to understand, it tends towards silence and to be acquiescent. Most modern spiritual crisis comes in a disguise of an emotional emergency.
If not properly understood and assimilated, the insights of the Soul fall into unconsciousness, and in consequence, the individual continues to rotate around the circle of limitation and illusory separation, perpetrating to the limits the polarity game."
Anahata Chakra (Heart)
The fourth chakra, the heart chakra,rests in the center of the chakra system, at the core of our spirit. Its physical location is the heart, upper chest, and upper back. The fourth is the balance point, integrating the world of matter (the lower three chakras) with the world of spirit (the upper three chakras). Through the heart chakra, we open to and connect with harmony and peace. The health of our heart center registers the quality and power of love in our life. In Sanskrit, the heart chakra is called Anahata, which means "unstruck" or "unhurt." Its name implies that deep beneath our personal stories of brokenness and the pain in our heart, wholeness, boundless love, and a wellspring of compassion reside.
This chakra's element is air. Air spreads and energizes. Like water, air assumes the shape of whatever it fills, yet it is less subject to gravity than water. When you feel swept up in love, you often need to replant your first chakra in order to stay grounded. Air permeates breath, so pranayama practice helps balance and tone this chakra. All forms of pPranayama can help you use more air, more prana, thereby increasing your vitality and enthusiasm for life.
If you notice that you are sitting with your head forward, shoulders rounded and your chest collapsed, it's a good time to start practicing fourth chakra poses to give your heart some breathing space. When we lead with our head and not with the heart, we may be overly focused on thought and tend to cut ourselves off from the emotions and the body. When the heart chakra is deficient, you may experience feelings of shyness and loneliness, an inability to forgive, or a lack of empathy. Physical symptoms can include shallow breathing, asthma, and other lung diseases.
Asanas that enliven the heart chakra include passive chest openers in which we arch gently over a blanket or bolster, shoulder stretches such as the arm positions of Gomukhasana and Garudasana (Eagle Pose), and backbends. Being an even-numbered, feminine chakra, the heart center naturally yearns to release and let go. Doing backbends develops the trust and surrender we need to open the heart fully. When we feel fearful, there is no room for love, and our bodies show contraction. When we choose love, the fear melts away, and our practice takes on a joyful quality. In many backbending poses, the heart is positioned higher than the head. It's wonderfully refreshing to let the mind drop away from the top position and instead lead with the heart.
Some signs that the heart chakra is overpowering your life can include co-dependency, possessiveness, jealousy, heart disease, and high blood pressure. For these symptoms, forward bends are the best antidote, because they are grounding and foster introspection. While people with deficient heart chakras need to open to receive love more fully, those with excessive heart chakras find healing by slowing down to discover inside themselves the nourishment they have been seeking from others.
The most powerful way to open, energize, and balance not just the heart chakra but all of our chakras is to love ourselves and others. Love is the greatest healer. In our hatha yoga practice, remembering what we love and appreciate as we practice fourth chakra asanas enhances the power of the poses and our general well-being.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
"All of this is so incredibly simple. We learnt that whatever happens in our mind somehow is blocking you from going somewhere. I am saying that Awareness, the goal of all enquiry, cannot be on the other side of working through any process, because Awareness is that within which even the attempt to work through to get to something arises and is perceived."
~ Mooji
“In my long psychiatric experience I never came across a marriage that was entirely self-sufficient.
“In my long psychiatric experience I never came across a marriage that was entirely self-sufficient. Once I thought I had, because a German professor assured me that his was. I believed him until once, when I was visiting in Berlin, I discovered that his wife kept a secret apartment. That seems to be the rule. Moreover, a marriage which is devoted entirely to mutual understanding is bad for the development of individual personality; it is a descent to the lowest common denominator, which is something like the collective stupidity of the masses. Inevitably, one or the other will begin to penetrate the mysteries. Look, it’s like this.”
--C.G. Jung, (Talks with Miguel Serrano, p. 402)
--C.G. Jung, (Talks with Miguel Serrano, p. 402)
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Fairy Faery and Fae by Name and Description
Sprite: A sprite is a kind of fairy or elf. Sprite comes from the Latin word spiritus or spirit and once meant “soul” or “ghost.”
Sprites are used in many folktales. Sprites are creatures of the element water. They are found only in places where it is serene and cool.
They like to play with nymphs or torment butterflies, but the butterflies don’t really mind. Sprites have one very important job, which is going around and changing the colors of a tree’s leaves in Autumn.
They have many cans of bright paint in every shade between red and yellow. This makes sure they don’t run out. Sprites are very creative. They are muses, artists, and poets.
They are some of the most creative fairies. Some even decide to bond or marry a human or elf and stay with them their whole lives.
Sprite: A sprite is a kind of fairy or elf. Sprite comes from the Latin word spiritus or spirit and once meant “soul” or “ghost.”
Sprites are used in many folktales. Sprites are creatures of the element water. They are found only in places where it is serene and cool.
They like to play with nymphs or torment butterflies, but the butterflies don’t really mind. Sprites have one very important job, which is going around and changing the colors of a tree’s leaves in Autumn.
They have many cans of bright paint in every shade between red and yellow. This makes sure they don’t run out. Sprites are very creative. They are muses, artists, and poets.
They are some of the most creative fairies. Some even decide to bond or marry a human or elf and stay with them their whole lives.
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