Sunday 14 April 2013

No more time to waste on small minded talk or thinking games of any sort. It is time to rise with love and walk it with every action with love.

We are aware of the solar flare activity this year, especially the recent eruptions since Thursday creating the intense energy around our world that we are all feeling. The increase of the energy on our planet will expose so much to you in self and in somany others.

There is so much going on in our world throughout these awakening stages, even in those who are spiritually awake are having to work on self.

I felt the urge to make this small announcement and say to you all, don't worry or fear, please remember all is perfect and well, regardless what others may say. Your uplifting positive thoughts to self are so important within these times. So much is rising within each of you and others, please take nothing personal, whatever is happening to you right now. All feelings and emotions are being stirred up for a perfect reason for US ALL. And I want to highlight the words US AND ALL because we are ALL going through an awakening around our world one way or the other.

You may be faced with upset and some separation within soul groups for healing and reflecting time (but trust all is how it is meant to be for now) there is never any separation in our creation of beings, I want you to remember and understand that from within, please trust in everything NOW.

Now is the time to really put everything we know into action. No more excuses, its time to stand up and walk your talk with unconditional love in everyway possible.

Self loving starts with you:

You are responsible for yourself in everyway. How you treat yourself and others who are around you. Pay close attention what is rising within you and around you. Remember you are creating every experience and what you are being shown are things you might need to heal from. Everything is a mirror and a inward reflection of what is going on within you.

Face things and learn from them and rise with LOVE, not resentment or anger or cutting people out of your life or blocking them. I hear so many who are blocking and cutting people out of their lives. This kind of talk is not coming from a high vibration of love, it is blocking the healing system from taking place within you and the person you are blocking. Remember we are ONE.

Remember what you block will rise in other ways in your life until you understand you can't hide from anything anymore. Face the rising without the blocks and work on self and others with healing love.


If meditation is helping you right now, go with that and when you are feeling the need, meditate to release and let go with LOVE and understanding.

Eat well (meaning healthy), sleep when the body feels the need to sleep and drink water lots of water.

Within the solar flare eruptions you may feel.


This will all pass but you can help yourself with the tools you have gained in knowledge of how you can heal your self.

We are all in this together. One rotating world - no one can escape so become responsible within these exposing healing times we are ALL in.

Always with love

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