Thursday 28 February 2013

The mind functions as an agent of the society within you.
To go beyond mind is to go beyond society.
To go beyond mind is to go beyond the whole history.
To go beyond mind is to go beyond past.
To go beyond mind is to enter into God.
And then whatsoever happens is good, is virtue.


Love is the surest bridge to god. If anything succeeds, succeeds absolutely in finding god, it is love.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

‎"When you surrender to what is and so become fully present, the past ceases to have any power. The realm of Being, which had been obscured by the mind, then opens up. Suddenly, a great stillness arises within you, an unfathomable sense of peace. And within that peace, there is great joy. And within that joy, there is love. And at the innermost core, there is the sacred, the immeasurable. That which cannot be named."

Eckhart Tolle

~ artwork by Chris Dyer POSITIVE CREATIONS
"When you surrender to what is and so become fully present, the past ceases to have any power. The realm of Being, which had been obscured by the mind, then opens up. Suddenly, a great stillness arises within you, an unfathomable sense of peace. And within that peace, there is great joy. And within that joy, there is love. And at the innermost core, there is the sacred, the immeasurable. That which cannot be named."

- @[24590816216:274:Eckhart Tolle]

~ artwork by Chris Dyer @[42400764550:274:POSITIVE CREATIONS]
Thought is crooked because it can invent anything and see things that are not there. It can perform the most extraordinary tricks, and therefore it cannot be depended upon. But if you understand the whole structure of how you think, why you think, the words you use, the way you behave in your daily life, the way you talk to people, the way you treat people, the way you walk, the way you eat - if you are aware of all these things then your mind will not deceive you, then there is nothing to be deceived. -Jiddu Krishnamurti

To be herenow is to be attired in divine glory. To be herenow is to attain the splendour of existence. To be herenow is to be in bliss, is to be in paradise. ~~Osho ♥ ♥

 Keep this in your consciousness: Nature is not anguish, it is blissfulness. It is not anxiety, misery, suffering: It is love, it is rejoicing. It is a constant celebration. ~~Osho ♥ ♥

 Meditation brings you to the final peak of consciousness -- that is chit, exactly in the middle. On one side is truth; on another side is bliss. As meditation flowers, you find that on one hand truth has revealed to you all its mysteries and on the other blissfulness is showering all its treasures on you. ~~Osho ♥ ♥

 In this moment, I stand as an adventurer in consciousness. A unique cosmic event becoming realized here and now. The evolutionary impulse of the universe declares my aliveness as Spirit's grace walking with steadfast awareness this day. I live authentically, ever attuned to the mind of God that broadcasts through me as originality, unconditional love, goodness, harmony, and wholeness. Yes! I am a beneficial presence to this planet, blessed and a blessing wherever I go! Life is Good! And so it is.

 Watch, witness. Your body is not you; your mind is not you. You are just a pure witness. ~~Osho ♥ ♥

8 Stages of Awareness on the Path of Ascension

STAGE TWO: As we begin to delve more deeply into our subconscious minds, we initiate the process of aligning our emotional will with that of our Higher Self-OverSoul and Divine Will. Our main mantra/affirmation becomes “Thy Will be done for the greatest good of all.” As we learn that we are electromagnetic, energetic Beings, we come to the understanding that we are constantly radiating energetic thought forms out into the world around us. Then we must experience these positive or negative thought forms as events/situations composed of the same frequencies. Our personal world is constantly rearranging itself to fit our current picture of reality. Through trial and error, we begin to understand the Laws of Cause and Effect or Karma. We also gain an understanding of and begin to actively use the Universal Laws of Manifestation as we slowly refine our abilities as cocreators on the earthly plane of existence. With new awareness, confidence and trust in the workings of the universe, we gradually relinquish control at an emotional level to our Higher Self, for we now understand that it is our Divine Birthright to enjoy the love, beauty and bounty of our Father/Mother God. We also understand that our Higher Self sees things from a higher vantage point and will always direct us toward the best outcome.
Take an interest in your pain and your fear. 

Move closer, lean in, get curious; even for a moment 
experience the feelings beyond labels, 
beyond being good or bad. 

Welcome them. Invite them.
Do anything that helps melt the resistance.

~~Pema Chodron

‎"Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny — he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally; you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you."


Few mortals know that the kingdom of God includes the kingdom of mundane fulfillments. The divine realm extends to the earthly, but the latter, being illusory, cannot include the essence of reality.

~ Mahavatar Babaji
The most important aspect of love is not in giving or the receiving: it’s in the being. When I need love from others, or need to give love to others, I’m caught in an unstable situation. Being in love, rather than giving or taking love, is the only thing that provides stability. Being in love means seeing the Beloved all around me. (Ram Dass)

There are two ways of discovery. One is meditation — without the other you search for the depth; another is love — with the other you search for the depth. He becomes a root to reach to yourself. The other creates a circle, and both lovers help each other. The deeper love goes, the deeper they feel they are; their inner-beings are revealed. But then there is no jealousy. Love cannot be jealous, it is impossible. Love is always trusting, and if something happens that breaks your trust you have to accept it; nothing can be done about it because whatsoever you do will destroy the other.

~~Osho ♥ ♥
Remember, watching is the only key. Observation is meditation -- there is nothing more to meditation; it is another name for being aware. And the miracle is that when you become aware of something, utterly aware, it disappears. It remains only if you are unaware. Your unawareness is a food for distraction, for indolence. Your awareness means they are no longer being fed, they start starving. Sooner or later they wither away of their own accord.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

I would rather see every one of you rank atheists than superstitious fools, for the atheist is alive and you can make something out of him. But if superstition enters, the brain is gone, the brain is softening, degradation has seized upon the life. 

~ Swami Vivekananda

The brain and the physical body are fractal holograms and their function is to create a holographic reality. Consider them as unreal as you enter the One.
The brain and the physical body are fractal holograms and their function is to create a holographic reality. Consider them as unreal as you enter the One.

You are here to shine your light, to be a beacon. You are not here to chase people down and force your light upon them. Some will be attracted to your light, and some won’t. It is not your job nor your responsibility to seek followers. Just be a beacon, and those who want to step into the glow of your light will. All of your actions will stem from your inner light. When you are in alignment with all that you are, then all your actions will be so aligned. And those who are attracted to your light will receive benefit.

Is your light casting fear or is it casting love? As you beacon, so shall the world be. So be a beacon. But be a beacon of your highest self. Awaken to your light. Remember who you really are. And love.

- Erin Pavlina -

art by Robby Donaghey
You are here to shine your light, to be a beacon. You are not here to chase people down and force your light upon them. Some will be attracted to your light, and some won’t. It is not your job nor your responsibility to seek followers. Just be a beacon, and those who want to step into the glow of your light will. All of your actions will stem from your inner light. When you are in alignment with all that you are, then all your actions will be so aligned. And those who are attracted to your light will receive benefit.

Is your light casting fear or is it casting love? As you beacon, so shall the world be. So be a beacon. But be a beacon of your highest self. Awaken to your light. Remember who you really are. And love.

- Erin Pavlina -

art by Robby Donaghey

11:11 Awakening Code Seven Step Chakra Activation

AFFIRMATION MONDAY” Reminder and 1st Chakra Activation: Today is the day to focus on the process of affirmation so that it becomes more automatic every day. An affirmation is not some made up thing, rather it is an acknowledgment of the genuine good that exists in and around you. You do not have to pretend to find something positive to affirm, your just have to see it…. And it is always there! Then, once you become comfortable hearing the voice of affirmation regarding your own gifts, talents, sensibilities, etc., it is time to share your affirmation skills with others. This may feel awkward at first, so you can say something like, “I’m participating in an online experiment, and I am supposed to offer affirmations to other people today…. Is it okay if I tell you some of the positive things I notice about you?” It’s hard to imagine that someone would say no, isn’t it? At this point, breathe into the energy of the moment: If it’s light and breezy, keep it that way and say something like, “I just want to tell you that you are….” If the conversation is already running at a deeper level, you can easily go there as well by looking directly into the eyes of the person you’re talking to and say, “You are such…..” And then just let your heart speak from there. If you get into the habit of noticing and affirming the good around you, your life will keep expanding in the direction of goodness. Today’s breathwork/energy/meditation suggestion: Take a few minutes right now to center and calm yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly, imagining that you can direct the energy of each breath into the 1st chakra/energy center located at the base of your spine. It may help to visualize a color, so visualize a warm red flowing into your body and settling around your tailbone. As you do this, affirm to yourself that you are one of the tribe: You belong here. Feel your connection to the Earth and nature, to the animals and air, the planets and stars. Ground yourself in your truth and higher awareness. Take pleasure in the fact that your true survival needs are few. Be grateful for your physical form and remind yourself to take care of it… it’s the only one you’ll have this time around!

GIFT EXCHANGE TUESDAY” Reminder and 2nd Chakra Activation: Today is a great day to focus on the art of giving and receiving gifts, kind deeds, words of encouragement and all other forms of positive exchange. First, notice the natural opportunity to commit a random act of kindness. You will not have to search hard for it, you just need to shift your perception to recognize the moments when such an act would be completely appropriate. A few examples would be: holding a door open, allowing someone to take a parking space or to go ahead of you in a line, purchasing coffee for the person behind you, offering your seat on the subway, helping load groceries, giving a compliment, etc. etc.. Obviously none of these things are monumental, but can you imagine living in a world where everyone was in this frame of mind? That WOULD be profound! Now, while we’re on the subject of gifting, we must also talk about the act of receiving. You might think that you are being polite to decline a kind gesture, but this is not the case. Gifting feels good, so why would you deny someone that good feeling? The way we receive says a lot about us: The more we love ourselves, the more we are able to both give AND receive with grace. Make a pact with yourself right now: If someone reaches out to you with an act of kindness, ACCEPT IT with genuine gratitude! Today’s breathwork/meditation suggestion: Take a few minutes right now to center and calm yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly, imagining that you can direct the energy of each breath into the 2nd chakra/energy center found in your lower abdomen. It may help to visualize a color, so visualize an invigorating orange flowing into your body and settling in just behind your navel. As you do this, affirm to yourself that you are here to love intimately, knowing that intimacy is what drives your creativity. The most obvious manifestation of this is when intimacy literally leads to the creation a new human being, but your passion is also what “gives birth” to everything else in your life: a great relationship, a dream job , artistic expression, etc. . When you honor your lust for life, life will answer back by presenting to you more of the things you love. Humans are passionate, intimate creatures, so celebrate this dimension of yourself by exploring your desire for intimacy and inspiration

WALK THE TALK WEDNESDAY” Reminder and 3rd Chakra Activation: Many people talk a great story of how enlightened they are, how patient they are, how forgiving they are. Why not just let your actions speak for you? The truth is this: Conduct reveals character. You can say anything you want about yourself, but what matters most is what you DO. Acting in accordance with our higher awareness is a lot more challenging than it may seem, and most of us give ourselves a free pass by saying something like, “I’m usually a very forgiving/patient/loving person, but what you just did….” And then we rattle off all the reasons why we are justified for not being that person right now. You have been accumulating a wealth of spiritual wisdom for a reason… to USE it when it matters! There are many religious teachings from all over the world concerning this, but Jesus explains this concept so clearly when he said, (to the effect) “What good are you if you are only happy and kind when things are going well…. Anybody can do that!” Now is a great time to unravel yourself from your complex excuses and get on with being the awesome person you so want to be. Become less focused on declaring what you are to others, allow your willpower to flow in concert with your idealism, and watch what happens when the genuinely become that person! Today’s breathwork/meditation suggestion: Take a few minutes right now to center and calm yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly, imagining that you can direct the energy of each breath into the 3rd chakra/energy center located directly below your ribcage. It may help to imagine a color, so visualize a bright yellow flowing into your body and settling around your solar plexus. As you do this, celebrate you individuality! There never has been and will never be another person like you on this planet. Your combination of gifts, talents, ideas, opinions, etc. are yours and yours alone. People might tell you that this chakra is where your ego lives, but know this: Self love must happen before you can love anyone else, and self awareness is what you will need to master before you start making opinions about others. And remember - self-love does not mean self-ish, so do not hold back. Take a couple of minutes right now to state some true and positive things about yourself. You might be surprised to hear these truths spoken out loud, but soon they will simply flow with little or no ego attachment. For instance, if you are a person that is generous and kind, say it, believe it, then live it!

THANKFUL THURSDAY” Reminder and 4th Chakra Activation: We’ve all heard how important it is to maintain an “attitude of gratitude,” but this is not as easy as one might think – It takes practice! So with that in mind, start small… be grateful that you’re still breathing. Expanding your attention outwards, be aware of your existence in the grand scheme of life here on Earth and what an honor and privilege it is to participate in the unfolding story of us. Be grateful for your senses, your gifts and your talents. Moving outward, be grateful for the people in your life and the lessons you have learned from them, even if the only lesson was defining what type of person you don’t want to be! Expanding ever outward, be grateful for the fact that this planet is filled with far more goodness and light than evil and darkness. For every murder there are millions of acts of kindness. For every plane crash hundreds of thousands of planes fly safely. For every angry person you meet there is an uncountable army of people doing their best to live in joy and compassion. Now, once you’re in the habit of being thankful for all that is good, the real challenge begins. For like unconditional love, there is also a state of unconditional gratitude, a state of mind and spirit where you are grateful not just for all the wonderful things in life, but for EVERY thing in life: The illness, the uncertainty, the loss… all of these can serve to raise your awareness and vibration, and so are also things that we can be grateful for. Today’s breathwork/meditation suggestion: Take a few minutes right now to center and calm yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly, imagining that you can direct the energy of that breath into the 4th chakra/energy center located directly behind your ribcage. It may help to visualize a color, so visualize a soothing green flowing into your body and settling around your heart. As you do this, affirm to yourself that above all else, you are here to love. You literally exist to love and be loved. Take pleasure in knowing that when all else fails, you can access a part of you that does one thing and one thing only: love. Realize that any judgment, resentment, anger or need for justice comes from other areas of your consciousness, but right now your attention is focused on the fountain of love that is always pumping steadily inside of you. Be in awe of its capability! Mean people? Loves them. Rough situations? Loves them. In this moment, allow yourself to truly feel and hear the loving voice of God/Source/Love residing within you. Let every cell in your body know that it is being energized by love. Finally, release this love out into the world… let it be the first thing that people feel about you. They will, and that’s when miracles happen.

FORGIVENESS FRIDAY” Reminder and 5th Chakra Activation: As we’ve all heard, forgiveness is ultimately the gift you give yourself, for if you are holding onto feelings of judgment, revenge, persecution or anger, you are functioning at the lowest vibration possible - a level that will not let you ascend to a place of inner peace, love and gratitude - and who wants to live there? And while you might already be aware that forgiveness is one of the most wonderful things you can experience, it is not easy. To grow your forgiveness muscles, we suggest that you start small. Acknowledge that, in many instances, what you need to forgive in another person is simply the fact that they did not think, say or do the same as you would have in any given situation. You can forgive someone for not having the same color of hair as you, right? So use that same logic when dealing with personalities. You can also try to imagine the pain or suffering that motivated someone to act the way they did – this will make it easier to forgive them. Finally, make a lifestyle choice to not take things so personally: If you do this, you will find that many offensive words and deeds will flow THROUGH you without sticking TO you. Now, one suggestion is to RARELY say the words, “I forgive you,” as this is very likely to sound sanctimonious and just escalate whatever tension there was between you and the offender. Instead, try using words like, “I want to move past this, how do you see us doing that?” or “I know it was not your intention to hurt me, but…” or “When you do things like this, it makes me feel….” Of course there are times when a person really might intend to hurt you, either physically or emotionally, and you will need to address these on a case-by-case basis. If this person has no desire to change their injurious ways, then this is the time to say, “I forgive you for the pain you’ve caused me, but I will no longer tolerate it. I love myself too much, and I will not keep exposing myself to the suffering you inflict.” At that point you leave with no ill wishes for that person and move on with your life. And as uncertain as that life may be, at least you will know that it won’t include any more pain and drama inflicted by the person you lovingly released. Today’s breathwork/meditation suggestion: Take a few minutes right now to center and calm yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly, imagining that you can direct the energy of each breath into the 5th chakra/energy center located in your neck. It may help to visualize a color, so imagine a calming blue light flowing into your body and settling around your throat. As you do this, consider two of your most incredible powers: your right to choose and your right to act on the choices you make. While focusing your attention on your throat, remember that no one has power over you except yourself. Then, with a clear heart and mind, consider the person that is you. Are you acting in accordance with what you know to be good and true, or are you choosing to act in direct denial of your awareness? Your willpower and resolve are waiting for you to take a stand and live by what serves your highest good. If you have determined that some particular thing, person or habit is not healthy for you, you owe it to yourself to let go! Conversely, when you know what IS good for you, DO THAT GOOD THING! This is not brain surgery. This is simply you acting more frequently in accordance with your awareness, and the time to do this is right now. The throat energy center is the bridge between your mind and heart… keep it open!

SELF-RESTORATION SATURDAY” Reminder and 6th Chakra Activation: First and foremost, BREATHE! Humans are automatic breathers, and each of these automatic breaths are usually shallow and highly inefficient. On average, we exchange only 20% of the oxygen in our lungs with each breath, and we all know that, other than water and nutrients, we run on oxygen. So make a point to breathe deeply, slowly and consciously today, and soon it will become a habit in your everyday life. Here are some suggestions on how to do this: Sit up straight. Imagine that there is a deflated balloon right behind your belly button. Breathe in slowly through your nose to inflate this balloon. Everything except your expanding belly should be still. If your shoulders are rising up to your ears, you are only filling the top half of your lungs. Let your stomach expand out as far as it can go, and then keep breathing in. Now is the time to fill up the upper half of your lungs - AFTER the lower half! Hold this deep, cleansing breath for a couple of seconds, then release it with a happy, whispery sigh, or ahhhhhhhhhhh......... Do this a few times every day. Eventually, you will start to breath like this automatically (watch your stomach to know) and you will be operating at a much more efficient level every minute of your life. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you! Of course there are many, many other things that you can do for the purpose of self-restoration: Schedule some quiet time for yourself, read, meditate, take a walk, visit with supportive friends, cook and eat great food, and always acknowledge the INTENTION of why you are doing these things. Remind yourself frequently that all healing begins within and then radiates outward, and that if you are not in a healthy place, you will not be much good to others. Self-care is not self-ish, it is essential to your overall well being and to your relationships! Bonus breathwork/meditation suggestion: Take a few minutes right now to center and calm yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly, imagining that you can direct the energy of each breath into the 6th chakra/energy center located directly in the middle of your forehead. It may help to visualize a color, so imagine a soothing purple light flowing into your body and settling into your head. As you do this, acknowledge that your brain is an amazing super computer capable of handling millions upon millions of impulses, thoughts, reactions and memories. But one thing your brain is not is the voice of your soul… it is the processing machine that listens to this voice and then provides useful information of how to live your most fulfilling, joyful, healthy and loving life. But consider this: what kind of data are you providing your mind to process? Are you letting the news fill you up with thoughts of fear? Are you letting ads convince you that you are not as beautiful/wealthy/popular as you should be? Are you letting other peoples’ opinions of you shape your perception of yourself? If so, it’s time to refer to the old adage, “Junk in-Junk out,” meaning that if you are filling your mind with negative information, how can it possibly turn that information into positive thought and action? From this day forward, choose that which serves you and decline - with love - that which does not.

SACRED SUNDAY” Reminder and 7th Chakra Activation: Sunday is the perfect day to intentionally ponder your spirituality, your connection to God/Source/Energy, and what this connection means to you personally. And while it is great to go to church, commune with like-minded people or attend seminars to help you along on your spiritual journey, know that most of the answers you seek are already within you. You know the thoughts, words and actions that would be considered godlike or holy. By the same token, on some level you know what diminishes you. The goal is to put more action behind the things you know to be good, and spend less time pursuing that which is not productive. The Universe does not care either way and makes no such distinction between good and evil, but there can be no doubt that there are certain habits that will promote peace, health, love and joy, and then there are habits that can perpetuate unrest, disease, fear and sadness. The choice is up to you, and you are completely capable of determining what you should be pursuing in your life for it to be a more fulfilling and joyful experience first for yourself, then your friends and family, and finally the world at large. When you make the conscious choice to act in accordance with your spiritual awareness, every day is a sacred day! Breathwork/meditation suggestion: Take a few minutes right now to center and calm yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly, imagining that you can direct the energy of each breath into the 7th chakra/energy center located directly at the top of your head. It may help to visualize a color, so imagine a luminescent violet light hovering directly above you. As you do this, realize that, as an energy being, you need to allow this energy to move in the same way that it moves through a battery or a magnet. It needs to cycle, which means you must knowingly and lovingly release it so that it may return and keep cycling through you. This release is not always easy, as it is an act of letting go and surrendering control, but this is exactly as it should be. We need to know that we can let go of the things that do not serve us: the negative emotions, the desire for a specific outcome, the worry. The bonus is that when these things are let go – unlike our pure energy – they do not have to return. We have released them back to the universe and the realm of infinite possibility. Suddenly we feel much lighter and more open, cleansed and ready to fill ourselves up with what we know serves us: love, gratitude, joy and peace. Blessings to you on this Sacred Sunday!

Most of us take for granted that time flies, meaning that it passes too quickly. But in the mindful state, time doesn't really pass at all. There is only a single instant of time that keeps renewing itself over and over with infinite variety. - Deepak Chopra

Never give your power or your freedom up to present and deliberate and....aware

The Law of Intention and Desire: Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment. Intention and desire in the field of pure potentiality have infinite organizing power. When we introduce an intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, we put this infinite organizing power to work for us.

True autonomy arises when we have broken free of all the old structures, all psychological dependencies, and all fear. Only then can that which is truly unique and fearless arise within us and begin to express itself. Such expression cannot be planned or even imagined because it belongs to a dimension uninhibited by anything that has come before it. True autonomy is not trying to fit in or be understood, nor is it a revolt against anything. It is an uncaused phenomenon. Consciously or unconsciously all beings aspire to it, but very few find the courage to step into that infinity of aloneness.

Art by Tomasz Alen Kopera
True autonomy arises when we have broken free of all the old structures, all psychological dependencies, and all fear. Only then can that which is truly unique and fearless arise within us and begin to express itself. Such expression cannot be planned or even imagined because it belongs to a dimension uninhibited by anything that has come before it. True autonomy is not trying to fit in or be understood, nor is it a revolt against anything. It is an uncaused phenomenon. Consciously or unconsciously all beings aspire to it, but very few find the courage to step into that infinity of aloneness.

Art by Tomasz Alen Kopera
If you sleep,
Desire grows in you
Like a vine in the forest.
Like a monkey in the forest
You jump from tree to tree,
Never finding the fruit -
From life to life,
Never finding peace.


We have to be willing to get vulnerable if we want our true community to reveal itself. Until we are open ourselves, life will not open to us. We may think we're waiting for something out there, but really we are anticipating our own arrival.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

"If God is indeed in the body—and consciousness and physiology are, from an evolutionary perspective, inextricably linked—we must acknowledge that divine consciousness is available in and through physicality."

Sol Luckman

~ artwork by Alexander Groseth's Art
"If God is indeed in the body—and consciousness and physiology are, from an evolutionary perspective, inextricably linked—we must acknowledge that divine consciousness is available in and through physicality."

- @[170010246442:274:Sol Luckman]

~ artwork by @[137503402969541:274:Alexander Groseth's Art]
What are the Major Ideas of General Relativity?

When we look at the special theory of relativity, we only consider the effects that speed has on the universe; we neglect gravity. From this theory, we already know that space and time are inextricably linked. Special relativity tells us that there are three dimensions that define space and one dimension that defines time. We call this “spacetime”.

When Einstein extended the theory of relativity to the general case that includes gravity, he discovered that matter shapes the fabric of spacetime in a manner analogous to the way heavy weights distort a taut rubber sheet or trampoline. Of course, it is not as simple as “weights on rubber” because the masses are within spacetime and we cannot directly perceive spacetime. However, using a rubber sheet as an analogy, we can begin to appreciate and visualise the principles of general relativity.

It is difficult to overstate the significance of general relativity to our understanding of the universe. For example, the following ideas all come from Einstein’s general theory of relativity:

= Gravity arises from distortions of spacetime. It is not a mysterious force that acts at a distance. The presence of mass causes the distortions, and the resulting distortions determine how other objects move through spacetime.

= Time runs slowly in gravitational fields. The stronger the gravity, the more slowly time runs.

= Black holes can exist in spacetime, and falling into a black hole means leaving the observable universe.

= The universe has no boundaries and no centre, yet it might still have a finite volume.

= Large masses that undergo rapid changes in motion or structure emit gravitational waves that travel at the speed of light,

~ Troy

Reference: Bennett, Jeffrey. Donahue, Megan. Schneider, Nicholas. Voit, Mark. The Cosmic Perspective, Sixth Edition. San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc., 2010.

Check out The Natural Universe!

What are the Major Ideas of General Relativity?

When we look at the special theory of relativity, we only consider the effects that speed has on the universe; we neglect gravity. From this theory, we already know that space and time are inextricably linked. Special relativity tells us that there are three dimensions that define space and one dimension that defines time. We call this “spacetime”.

 When Einstein extended the theory of relativity to the general case that includes gravity, he discovered that matter shapes the fabric of spacetime in a manner analogous to the way heavy weights distort a taut rubber sheet or trampoline. Of course, it is not as simple as “weights on rubber” because the masses are within spacetime and we cannot directly perceive spacetime. However, using a rubber sheet as an analogy, we can begin to appreciate and visualise the principles of general relativity.

It is difficult to overstate the significance of general relativity to our understanding of the universe. For example, the following ideas all come from Einstein’s general theory of relativity:

= Gravity arises from distortions of spacetime. It is not a mysterious force that acts at a distance. The presence of mass causes the distortions, and the resulting distortions determine how other objects move through spacetime.

= Time runs slowly in gravitational fields. The stronger the gravity, the more slowly time runs.

= Black holes can exist in spacetime, and falling into a black hole means leaving the observable universe.

= The universe has no boundaries and no centre, yet it might still have a finite volume.

= Large masses that undergo rapid changes in motion or structure emit gravitational waves that travel at the speed of light,

~ Troy

Reference: Bennett, Jeffrey. Donahue, Megan. Schneider, Nicholas. Voit, Mark. The Cosmic Perspective, Sixth Edition. San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc., 2010.

Check out @[558735894152813:274:The Natural Universe]!

There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first. When you learn to live for others, they will live for you. - Paramahansa Yogananda

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Once you have started seeing the beauty of life, ugliness starts disappearing. If you start looking at life with joy, sadness starts disappearing. You cannot have heaven and hell together, you can have only one. It is your choice.

~~Osho ♥ ♥
Once you have started seeing the beauty of life, ugliness starts disappearing. If you start looking at life with joy, sadness starts disappearing. You cannot have heaven and hell together, you can have only one. It is your choice.

~~Osho <3 <3

Experience life in all possible ways -- good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don't be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.

~~Osho ♥ ♥
Experience life in all possible ways -- good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don't be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.

~~Osho <3 <3

Logic is superficial, life goes deeper, and in life all opposites are joined together, they exist together. Remember this, because then meditation becomes balancing.

~~Osho ♥ ♥
Logic is superficial, life goes deeper, and in life all opposites are joined together, they exist together. Remember this, because then meditation becomes balancing.

~~Osho <3 <3
‎"This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not be false to any man."

-William Shakespeare

A half-lived life, as Herman Melville describes it, is one in which we do not get to that inner place of peace and joy. Perhaps the most devistating scenario imaginable is to face death knowing that because of some imagined fear, you have always chosen a half-lived life in which you avoided doing the things your heart beckoned you to do. I urge you to change the scenario now. Start living your life with the courage to follow your heart.

That consciousness is everything and that all things begin with a thought. That we are responsible for our own fate, we reap what we sow, we get what we give, we pull in what we put out. I know these things for sure.


“I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong.”

― John Lennon
“I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong.”

― John Lennon

These days, in our materialistic culture, many people are led to believe that money is the ultimate source of happiness. Consequently, when they don’t have enough of it they feel let down. Therefore, it is important to let people know that they have the source of contentment and happiness within themselves, and that it is related to nurturing our natural inner values.

Meditation is an essential travel partner on your journey of personal transformation. Meditation connects you with your soul, and this connection gives you access to your intuition, your heartfelt desires, your integrity, and the inspiration to create a life you love. - Sarah McLean

Accept yourself. Respect yourself. Allow your nature to take its own course. Don't force, don't repress.

— Osho

When mind knows, we call it knowledge.
When heart knows, we call it love.
And when being knows, we call it meditation.

— Osho

You can be creative only if you are an individual, you cannot create as a part of the mob psychology.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

Understanding is going to happen but not through the head, it is going to happen through the heart -- not through logic but through love.

~~Osho ♥ ♥
Develop the mind of equilibrium. You will always be getting praise and blame, but do not let either affect the poise of the mind: Follow the calmness, the absence of pride.

~ Buddha ~

Monday 25 February 2013

‎"It’s really changed my feelings about death. I’m not nearly as afraid to die as I was before. It has also really changed my view of life about how things are basically not as they seem. There is a certain falling away of expectations. I’m also less afraid of my own insanity. There’s this programmed guilt to fit in and be normal but I feel less inclined to be that way now. I’m not as interested in people or social lubrication situations that don’t have a lot of meaning to me. Friendships that aren’t that important are fading away. I’m not in such a hurry to get things done now. I am more relaxed in general. I now have a much more tangible sense of cosmic and divine consciousness with an altered sense of selfhood in relationships. A more real sense of connectedness to all around me. I am more integrated. My own divinity is less of an abstraction; thinking and feeling overlap more now. I see people more as organisms. I’m more open minded and laid back.

Most of my experiences fade with time but not so with DMT. The images and ordeals from my sessions have grown more clear and refined. I recall being able to face the eternal fire of creation and not be burned, to bear the weight of the entire universe and not be crushed. This brings some perspective to my mundane life and I am able to relax and embrace it more easily. Outside me, not much is different. Inside, I rest in the comfort of knowing my soul is eternal and my consciousness endless."

Subject account via Rick Strassman

Saturday 23 February 2013

What is Pornography? And why does it have so much Appeal?

Pornography is a by-product of religious repression. The whole credit goes to the priests. Pornography has nothing to do with pornographers. The pornography is created, managed by the Church, by the religious people. In a primitive, natural state, man is not pornographic. When human beings are naked and nude and man knows the woman's body and woman knows the man's body, you cannot sell PLAYBOY. It is impossible. Who will purchase PLAYBOY? And who will look into all that crap?

They have repressed so much that man's mind is fascinated of pornography. The whole credit goes to them. They have repressed so much that man's mind is boiling. The man wants to see the woman's body. Nothing wrong in it, a simple desire, a human desire. And the woman wants to know the man's body. A simple desire, nothing wrong about it. Just think of a world where trees are covered with clothes.

There are people ... I have heard about some English ladies who cover their dogs and cats with clothes. Just think, cows and horses and dogs dressed. Then you will find new pornography arising. Somebody will publish a NUDE picture of a tree -- and you will hide it in a Bible and look at it! This whole foolishness is out of religious repression.

Make man free, allow people to be nude. I am not saying they should continuously be nude, but nudity should be accepted. On the beach, at the swimming pool, in the home ... nudity should be accepted. The children should take a bath with the mother, with the father, in the bathroom. There is no need for the father to lock the bathroom when he goes in. The children can come and have a talk and chitchat and go out. Pornography will disappear.

Each child wants to know. "How does my daddy look?" Each child wants to know, "How does my mother look?" And this is simply intelligence, curiosity. And the child cannot know what the mother looks like, and the child cannot know what the father looks like; now you are creating illness in the child's mind. It is YOU, that YOU are ill, and the illness will be reflected in the child's mind. I am not saying sit nude in the office or in the factory. If it is hot, it is okay, but there is no need to be naked, it should not be an obsession; but this continuous obsession of hiding your body is just ugly.

And one thing more. Because of the clothes, bodies HAVE become ugly, because then you don't care. You care only about the face. If your belly goes on becoming bigger and bigger, who bothers? You can hide it. Your body has become ugly because it is not exposed; otherwise you will think a little: the belly is getting too big. Just let one hundred people stand nude, and they all will be ashamed, and they will squirm and they will start hiding themselves. Something is wrong. Why is it so? They know only about their face. The face they take care of; the whole body is neglected. This is bad. This is not good. It is not in favor of the body, either.

Any country where people are allowed a little freedom to be nude becomes more beautiful;people have more beautiful bodies. If American women are getting more beautiful and have more beautiful bodies there is no wonder in it. Indian woman will have to wait long; they can hide their ugly bodies in the saries very carefully. The sari is a great help.

Nudity should be natural, should be as natural as animals, as trees, as everything else is nude. Then pornography will disappear. Pornography is there as a sort of mental masturbation; it is mind masturbation. You are not allowed to love women, you are not allowed to love men, you are not allowed to make as many contacts as possible; the mind is boiling and starts a sort of inner masturbation. Pornography helps you; it gives you visions of beautiful women and beautiful men, to dream about, and it gives you a thrill.

Your alive wife does not give you any thrill. With your alive wife you suddenly go dead. There are people, even while making love to their wife, they are imagining some other woman; they are imagining some PLAYBOY picture. They can make love to their woman only when in their imagination there is some other woman, some fantasy. Then they get thrilled. They are not making love to their woman, and the woman is not making love to them. She may be thinking of some actor or some hero or somebody. There are four people in each bed! Of course, it is too crowded, and you never contact the real person; those imaginary ones are standing in between.

You should know that masturbation -- mental or physical is a perversion. It does not exist in nature. Homosexuality does not exist in nature, but in zoos it comes into existence. In zoos animals start masturbating. In zoos animals even start becoming homosexually interested. Wherever the situation is unnatural, unnatural perversions enter. In the military, in the army, people become homosexual, because it is an "all-boys" club, no woman available. Their pent-up energies start making them insane; they think they will go mad if they don't allow some outlet.

In the boys' hostels, in the girls' hostels, where no boy can come, no girl can come, the other sex is not allowed, naturally pornography will be greatly enjoyed. It will help masturbation. But these things have not been talked of directly. Now many will be offended -- why am I talking about these things? I am here to make everything clear to you so that you can become more and more natural. The appeal for pornography simply says that your mind is in an abnormal state. It is perfectly good to be interested in a beautiful woman, nothing wrong, but to have a picture of a nude woman and to get excited about it is just stupid. That's what people are doing with pornography.

I have heard a beautiful joke. Listen attentively, don't miss it.
A husband was suspicious of his wife, so he hired a private detective to find out whether she had a lover or not. The detective, a Chinese immigrant, came back to report after only two days. His arm and nose were broken and his head was tied up in bandages. "What happened?" the husband inquired eagerly. "Any proof yet?"

"Well," the detective answered, "I hid outside your house when you left in the morning. After half an hour a man came and let himself in with a key. I climbed a tree to see into the bedroom, and there was he holding she and she kissing he. So he play with she and she play with he; I play with me and I fall down from the tree."

That's what pornography is. Beware of all sorts of perversions. To love is good; to dream about it is ugly. Why? When the real is available, why go for the unreal? Even the real never satisfies! So how can the unreal satisfy? Even the real, in the final analysis, proves to be illusory, so what to say about the illusory? Let me repeat: Even the real, one day, proves to be just unreal, so what to say about the unreal?

Go into the real love, and you will become so aware one day that even the real love, the so-called real love, will disappear. And when a man is completely beyond sexuality ... Not that I am saying "TRY to go beyond," no, not at all, God forbid. What I mean when I say when a man "goes beyond" is that when a man has gone deeper into sex, into love, and has known and has found that there is nothing, that very finding takes him above. He starts floating above the earth, he grows wings. That transcendence is BRAHMACHARYA, that transcendence is celibacy. It has nothing to do with your effort; it has nothing to do with repression.

A repressed person can never attain BRAHMACHARYA; he will become pornographic. And there are a thousand and one ways of being pornographic. In the old Indian scriptures there are descriptions of great RISHIS sitting in meditation and beautiful women trying to seduce them, dancing around them, naked. And the stories say they are sent by the God of heaven to corrupt them because the God in heaven is afraid if they attain to their SAMADHI they will become competitors. The God of heaven is afraid of their competition, so when they are attaining closer and closer, coming closer to SAMADHI, he sends beautiful women to seduce them.

Now, there is no God, and no beautiful women come from heaven; this is mind pornography. These RISHIS, these so-called seers, have repressed sex so much that at the last moment, when they are really getting closer to their innermost center, that repressed sex bursts forth, explodes. And in that explosion their own images, mind images ... It is a mind panorama, it is very colorful, and it is so colorful and looks so real that even they are deceived; they think really women are there. Just go in a cave for three months and be celibate and force celibacy.

After three months you will be a great seer -- and you will start seeing things. That is what a great seer is. You will start seeing damsels and beautiful APSARAS from heaven coming and dancing around you seducing you. They are just your mind picture. When you are deprived of reality, your dreams start almost looking like reality. That's what we call hallucination.

In those old days PLAYBOY magazine was not available, so the RISHIMUNIS had to depend on their own. Now you can have some support from the outside. But beware: even the real is proved, finally, to be unreal. So don't move into the realms of the unreal. Go into the real, let it be a great experience. I am not against it, I am all for it, go into it, because only by going into it, one day, BRAHMACHARYA, one day, you simply get out of it. Not that love will disappear. In fact, for the first time love will appear, but a totally different kind of love. Buddha calls it compassion -- a cool love, with no sexual heat in it.

Your being will become a benediction. Your very presence will make people feel your love. Your love will fall and shower on them. In your very presence, people will start moving into the unknown. Yes, great compassion will arise in you. It is the same sexual energy, released from the sexual objects. Not repressed. Released. Not forcibly repressed, but understandably released. The same sexual energy becomes love, compassion.

And when love, compassion, arises you are fulfilled. Buddha has said two things are the goals: awareness and compassion. And both come out of the sex energy; both are born out of it. Those two are the flowers, ultimate flowers, of sex energy. That lotus is waiting in you to flower. Don't waste your energies. Use your energies to understand them, go into them deeply, meditatively, so that one day that lotus opens.
