Saturday 9 February 2013

Step 1: Opening and Clearing your Heart Chakra Part 1

Place your hand on your heart chakra, in the middle of your chest. Focus your intent on your heart chakra and visualize it opening. Now imagine a beam of high frequency energy pouring into the heart chakra and breaking up any low frequency patterns it encounters. Your heart chakra is now open and clear!

You are an energy being that your senses tell you is a physical body. If you could adjust your senses to see the energy body, and the energy bodies that surround you, the world would appear completely different. Who are you as an energy being? What would it look like to see your energy body? Fibers of light are interlaced throughout all levels of the energy body as well as the physical body. Energy blockages create areas of murkiness, becoming even black in areas where the energy no longer penetrates. The fewer blockages you have accumulated, the brighter you appear. You constantly interact wit the energy fields of the people and objects around you. Every thought you have about someone or something sends a connecting light fiber. Distance has no meaning here, and these connecting fibers can reach around the world in an instant. Everything affects your energy field. The colors you wear, your jewelry, your perfume or cologne, the food you eat the relationships you have all interact with you. You live in a sea of energy! Everything is interconnected; everything is inseparable.

Let me introduce you to yourself. Imagine yourself as a being of light, encased in a cocoon of light that extends outward from your center. The body is energy in its dense, particle form. Extending outward is layer upon layer of structured energy, which some refer to as the aura. The first energy layer beyond your physical body is the Astral Body. It is tied into all areas of your physical body. The astral body remains when you die and drop your physical body. It extends out from your physical body about two inches and then merges into the finer energy layer referred to as the Emotional Body. Your emotional body is directly tied into your heart, circulatory system, and nervous system. Emotional stress primarily affects these systems. Extending outward to approximately six inches, your emotional body continues into your Mental Body. The mental body, about 10 inches from the physical body, is where the process of thought is carried out. It is linked directly to the brain and endocrine system. Finally, beyond the mental body, there is your Spiritual Body. The spiritual body extends two feet and beyond. The spiritual body is your link to the angelic realm, the universe, and ultimately God.

Two primary energy matrixes connect your physical body with your energy body. The first matrix is called the acupuncture system. It consists of acupuncture meridians and acupuncture points. These energy pathways are interwoven with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. The activation of acupuncture points stimulates the flow of energy at all levels. The second matrix is the Chakra System. There are seven primary chakras and numerous secondary chakras or light centers, connected with your physical body. The first primary chakra is located at the coccyx, at the base of your spine and is also referred to as the Root Chakra. The second chakra is just above the pubic bone. The solar plexus is the site of the third chakra. The heart chakra is on the midline of the body, just above the end of the sternum. The fifth chakra, or communication center, is at the base of the throat. The sixth is in the center of the forehead. It is referred to as the brow or third eye chakra. The seventh, or crown chakra, is on the top of the head. Beyond the seven chakra centers, are five others that extend into your energy body. The eighth, located about 6 inches over the head, is in the emotional body and is also your access to the angelic realm. The ninth, in the mental body, is about 10 inches over the head and is the seat for soul development. The 10th, 11th and 12th chakras are found in different levels of the spiritual body.

Rev. Scott Beebe© (Energetic Awakening)

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