Saturday 9 February 2013

Opening and Clearing Your Heart Chakra Part 2

Opening and Clearing Your Heart Chakra Part 2

Your cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems, as well as your aural layers, all need a balanced supply of energy. This is furnished through the acupuncture meridian and chakra energy pathways. This energy consists of the Yin and Yang energies. Yin is the female, negatively charged, dark, cool, receptive, nurturing, and fertile energy. Yang is the male, positively charged, creative, hot, light energy. The interplay between these two determines the cosmic dance of all life and matter in the universe. Acupuncture meridians supply the yin and the chakra system furnishes the yang. Some organs require higher amounts of yin energy and are referred to as yin organs, like the kidneys and heart. Yang organs include the intestines and stomach. All of your organs however, need both energies in sufficient amounts. Blockages or restrictions in the energy flow lead to imbalance and eventually to sickness.

The intake of energy is initially through the heart chakra. It is then distributed throughout your energy body to all other areas. Energy blockages at the heart restrict the amount of energy available, thereby reducing the overall energy flow to the entire body. Most regions emphasize the necessity of having a "pure" unencumbered heart. True forgiveness removes heart blockages and allows the yin and yang energies to flow freely along the energy pathways. The body is the extension of the aura. All blockages originate in your aural layers and find manifestation in your body. Your biology is your biography! (Caroline Myss)

Stress is the cause of all energetic imbalances. It is the causative force whose symptoms are sickness, aging, and death. Stress originates in both the emotional and mental bodies, but primarily in the mental body. Every thought you have creates an energy field. These fields contain both yin and yang energies, depending on the focus of the thought. Each energy field also has a particular vibrational rate of frequency to which it resonates. Thoughts of love, unity and happiness create high frequency fields and thoughts of anger, hate sadness and depression generate lower frequency fields. The high frequency patterns pass freely out along the spiritual body, while low vibrational forms lodge in your energetic pathways in much the same way as cholesterol clogs the veins and arteries of your circulatory system. With time, these fields restrict the flow of energy to your cells. Severe restriction results in disease conditions.

~ Rev. Scott Beebe© (Energetic Awakening)

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