Saturday 9 February 2013

“FORGIVENESS FRIDAY” Reminder and 5th Chakra Activation:

As we’ve all heard, forgiveness is ultimately the gift you give yourself, for if you are holding onto feelings of judgment, revenge, persecution or anger, you are functioning at the lowest vibration possible - a level that will not let you ascend to a place of inner peace, love and gratitude - and who wants to live there? And while you might already be aware that forgiveness is one of the most wonderful things you can experience, it is not easy. To grow your forgiveness muscles, we suggest that you start small. Acknowledge that, in many instances, what you need to forgive in another person is simply the fact that they did not think, say or do the same as you would have in any given situation. You can forgive someone for not having the same color of hair as you, right? So use that same logic when dealing with personalities. You can also try to imagine the pain or suffering that motivated someone to act the way they did – this will make it easier to forgive them. Finally, make a lifestyle choice to not take things so personally: If you do this, you will find that many offensive words and deeds will flow THROUGH you without sticking TO you. Now, one suggestion is to RARELY say the words, “I forgive you,” as this is very likely to sound sanctimonious and just escalate whatever tension there was between you and the offender. Instead, try using words like, “I want to move past this, how do you see us doing that?” or “I know it was not your intention to hurt me, but…” or “When you do things like this, it makes me feel….” Of course there are times when a person really might intend to hurt you, either physically or emotionally, and you will need to address these on a case-by-case basis. If this person has no desire to change their injurious ways, then this is the time to say, “I forgive you for the pain you’ve caused me, but I will no longer tolerate it. I love myself too much, and I will not keep exposing myself to the suffering you inflict.” At that point you leave with no ill wishes for that person and move on with your life. And as uncertain as that life may be, at least you will know that it won’t include any more pain and drama inflicted by the person you lovingly released.

Today’s breathwork/meditation suggestion: Take a few minutes right now to center and calm yourself. Breathe deeply and slowly, imagining that you can direct the energy of each breath into the 5th chakra/energy center located in your neck. It may help to visualize a color, so imagine a calming blue light flowing into your body and settling around your throat. As you do this, consider two of your most incredible powers: your right to choose and your right to act on the choices you make. While focusing your attention on your throat, remember that no one has power over you except yourself. Then, with a clear heart and mind, consider the person that is you. Are you acting in accordance with what you know to be good and true, or are you choosing to act in direct denial of your awareness? Your willpower and resolve are waiting for you to take a stand and live by what serves your highest good. If you have determined that some particular thing, person or habit is not healthy for you, you owe it to yourself to let go! Conversely, when you know what IS good for you, DO THAT GOOD THING! This is not brain surgery. This is simply you acting more frequently in accordance with your awareness, and the time to do this is right now. The throat energy center is the bridge between your mind and heart… keep it open!

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