Saturday 2 March 2013

Daily Osho & friends

The whole life...just a training for how to go back home, how to die, how to disappear. Because the moment you disappear, God appears in you. Your presence is God's absence; your absence is God's presence.

— Osho

LOVE, love life, love all that surrounds you, and let your roots spread as far and as wide as possible. You will start touching the feet of God. Your flowers will start being offered to the divine feet. 

Otherwise, remember -- you will remain a dwarf. 

Love is a must. It is the only nourishment for the soul. The body can exist with food; the soul can exist only with love. Let it not remain just a word; allow it to become a penetrating experience.

— Osho

Unless you become absolutely aware of all the cunning devices of the ego, you will never be able to get rid of it. And to get rid of it is the beginning of a religious life, is the beginning of sannyas.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

Renounce! -- but there is no need to escape. Renounce and still be here. Be in the world, but don't be of the world. Remain in the crowd and remain alone. Do a thousand and one things -- whatsoever is needed, do it -- but never be the doer. Don't gather the ego -- that's all.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

Meditation is a state of no-mind. Meditation means the mind has stopped. Just you are, pure consciousness, simple awareness.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

Man is unawareness, and man need not be. Man can become a light of awareness. And only when you are a light of awareness is your life worth living, is your life LIFE; otherwise you are simply dragging, somehow managing, pulling. It is ugly, it is desert-like. It has not known anything worth knowing. It has not seen beauty, it has not experienced good, it has not been able to touch anything that is sacred. It has not come across truth; it cannot -- if you remain unaware. The only thing needed is to wake up.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

Every being is in search of truth, but small fears go on preventing you.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

Look at the trees, look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars. and if you have eyes you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful. Everything is simply happy. Trees are happy for no reason; they are not going to become prime ministers or presidents and they are not going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance. Look at the flowers - for no reason. It is simply unbelievable how happy flowers are.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

The whole art of meditation is just to turn your consciousness inwards, so that you can become acquainted with yourself. You are not yet introduced to yourself. You know what your name is -- but you did not come with that name; that label has been put by others. You know you are a Christian, a Hindu, a Jew -- but you were not born as a Hindu, as a Mohammedan, as a Christian.

— Osho

Delight, enjoy. God is not a thing, it is an attitude, an attitude of celebration and festivity. Drop sadness. He is so close by; dance! Drop long faces, it is sacrilege -- because He is so close by. Forget your childish miseries and worries; He is so close by. Don't go on brooding about immaterial things; He is so close by. Allow Him to hold your hand. He has been waiting for you for long.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

Seriousness is a disease of the mind. When the mind is no longer there, seriousness has no ground to stand upon. But Indians have respected seriousness very much; it is a long tradition.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

When one is totally empty the quality of the sun immediately changes. It has a welcoming poetry about it. Its warmth is not only warmth, it has become a love -- a loving warmth.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

Love can become a deep meditation, the deepest possible. Lovers have known sometimes what saints have not known.

— Osho

When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways, either by losing hope, or by using the challenge to find our inner strength, - The Dalai Lama

The ego says, “I shouldn’t have to suffer,” and the thought makes you suffer more. It is a distortion of the truth which is always paradoxical. The truth is you need to say yes to suffering before you can transcend it.

 (Eckhart Tolle)

Non-reaction to the ego in others 

is one of the most effective ways 

not only of going beyond ego in yourself 

but also of dissolving the collective human ego.

~~Eckhart Tolle

Take an interest in your pain and your fear. 

Move closer, lean in, get curious; even for a moment 
experience the feelings beyond labels, 
beyond being good or bad. 

Welcome them. Invite them.
Do anything that helps melt the resistance.

~~Pema Chodron

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