Friday 1 March 2013

More recent research is beginning to uncover specifically how the heart can communicate with the brain and it has been found that it can do so in 4 different ways:
 1.The heart has its own set of 40,000 nerve cells or neurons that transmit information to the brain. This transmission of information is called neural traffic and research has shown that the heart sends more neural traffic to the brain than the other way round.
 2.The heart has been found to secrete a very powerful hormone called Atrial Natriuretic factor (ANF) that has a profound effect on many parts of the body including those portions of the brain involved in memory, learning and emotions.
 3.With every heartbeat, pressure waves are generated and when these travel through the arteries to the brain, there are recordable changes in the electrical activity of the brain.
 4.The heart has an electromagnetic energy field 5,000 times greater than that of the brain and this field can be measured with magnetometers up to ten feet beyond the physical body.
Each tiny heart cell produces waves of electromagnetic energy as it pulsates. According to Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of ‘The biology of Transcendence’, when the electromagnetic waves produced by two heart cells on a slide synchronise, they strengthen each other and start to beat in unity.
More recent research is beginning to uncover specifically how the heart can communicate with the brain and it has been found that it can do so in 4 different ways:
1.The heart has its own set of 40,000 nerve cells or neurons that transmit information to the brain. This transmission of information is called neural traffic and research has shown that the heart sends more neural traffic to the brain than the other way round.
2.The heart has been found to secrete a very powerful hormone called Atrial Natriuretic factor (ANF) that has a profound effect on many parts of the body including those portions of the brain involved in memory, learning and emotions.
3.With every heartbeat, pressure waves are generated and when these travel through the arteries to the brain, there are recordable changes in the electrical activity of the brain.
4.The heart has an electromagnetic energy field 5,000 times greater than that of the brain and this field can be measured with magnetometers up to ten feet beyond the physical body.

Each tiny heart cell produces waves of electromagnetic energy as it pulsates. According to Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of ‘The biology of Transcendence’, when the electromagnetic waves produced by two heart cells on a slide synchronise, they strengthen each other and start to beat in unity.

When seeing yourSelf, Source Being, alive in every Being you encounter, know that this same essence has the same heart, filled with aches and pains, joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures as you. Look for any opportunity to connect and relate with them to lighten them or touch them.

Remember you have access to your heart field which extends 8 feet in the shape of a torus (donut) around you. Imagine this field interacting with others, communicating joy, love, empathy, peace, and togetherness as it mingles. It does not matter if you cannot see it. Science has proven it’s existence, so now it is up to you to sense it. Know it is there and play with it. Know that what you are directing your heart field toward with intention is actually occurring.

This also happens in prayer at a level beyond space and time, and so touches those you focus upon. Magic? We are powerful beyond our wildest imaginings.

-Kari Star

When seeing yourSelf, Source Being, alive in every Being you encounter, know that this same essence has the same heart, filled with aches and pains, joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures as you. Look for any opportunity to connect and relate with them to lighten them or touch them.

Remember you have access to your heart field which extends 8 feet in the shape of a torus (donut) around you. Imagine this field interacting with others, communicating joy, love, empathy, peace, and togetherness as it mingles. It does not matter if you cannot see it. Science has proven it’s existence, so now it is up to you to sense it. Know it is there and play with it. Know that what you are directing your heart field toward with intention is actually occurring.

This also happens in prayer at a level beyond space and time, and so touches those you focus upon. Magic? We are powerful beyond our wildest imaginings.

-Kari Star

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