Saturday 9 March 2013

Turn your attention to your throat. See how the energy feels there. For some of you it will feel a little hot, a little stuck. Just allow it to open.

Allow your throat to be the passage which connects your head and the energy in your head down into your body, your torso. Allow there to be freedom there.

This is a challenging area in the human body. It is a thin part of you, yet it is so powerful. Things can get stuck in the throat when truth is not being spoken.

Many of you are ready for higher levels of truth in your words. And words are not just the words you say out loud. The throat is connected to all of the language you hear inside yourself also.

Now allow yourself to state inside yourself in words, “I will use my words consciously. My words will not be a shield. Nor will they be a barrier between myself and others. My words will reflect me.”

The words you choose to use are highly important.

People are afraid of words. For a word can reveal so much about a soul.

But a word can also change your life. The way you communicate can redirect your life very quickly.

Your abundance lies in your communication.

~ Zapharia through Lee Harris, from Earth Meditation-Abundance

Art ♥ Cola Smith
Turn your attention to your throat. See how the energy feels there. For some of you it will feel a little hot, a little stuck. Just allow it to open.

Allow your throat to be the passage which connects your head and the energy in your head down into your body, your torso. Allow there to be freedom there.

This is a challenging area in the human body. It is a thin part of you, yet it is so powerful. Things can get stuck in the throat when truth is not being spoken.

Many of you are ready for higher levels of truth in your words. And words are not just the words you say out loud. The throat is connected to all of the language you hear inside yourself also.

Now allow yourself to state inside yourself in words, “I will use my words consciously. My words will not be a shield. Nor will they be a barrier between myself and others. My words will reflect me.”

The words you choose to use are highly important.

People are afraid of words. For a word can reveal so much about a soul.

But a word can also change your life. The way you communicate can redirect your life very quickly.

Your abundance lies in your communication.

~ Zapharia through Lee Harris, from Earth Meditation-Abundance

Art <3 Cola Smith

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