Friday 1 March 2013

Meditation is the deepest sleep. It is total relaxation plus something more; you are totally relaxed and yet alert. Awareness is there. Total sleep with awareness is meditation. Fully alert, things are happening but you are not resisting, not fighting, not doing. The doer is not there. The doer has gone into sleep. Only a witness is there a 'non-doer alertness' is there. Then nothing can disturb you.  ~~Osho ♥ ♥

 Meditation is a state of no-mind. Meditation means the mind has stopped. Just you are, pure consciousness, simple awareness. ~~Osho ♥ ♥

Personality is borrowed. It is what others have made of you. Individuality is your nature. It is what you have brought from your very birth with you.

~~Osho <3 <3
Personality is borrowed. It is what others have made of you. Individuality is your nature. It is what you have brought from your very birth with you.

~~Osho ♥ ♥

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